Jobs and economic recovery

Creating clean, green jobs in a wide range of sectors in Western Australia

We can recover and rebuild through investment in the care economy, local green manufacturing and the arts.

During a crisis, governments often prioritise investment in physical infrastructure like big road projects. However, this is not the only option. We need to invest not just in infrastructure, but also the future.

For too long the care economy, which includes the education, health, mental health, aged care, social services, disability support and childcare sectors, has been under-resourced and neglected. It's a similar story in the WA arts industry, which has been underfunded and undervalued for years.

Places like Collie and the Pilbara are also affected, as coal and gas workers are being left behind.

The time has come to build our way out of the economic and climate crises we find ourselves in and invest in the green infrastructure, the WA arts industry and our healthcare, education and childcare sectors.

Our plan can create thousands of jobs and training opportunities that actually invest in our community.

The Greens will:

Strategically invest in WA’s arts sector, increasing employment opportunities and establishing WA as a hub for creativity and the arts · More »

Invest in our care sectors to improve service delivery and create new jobs · More »

Create clean, green jobs for Western Australia by investing in local green manufacturing · More »

Our plan

Investing in the arts

Investing in the arts

Despite the immeasurable value the arts add to our lives, the WA State Government invests less than 0.5% of its overall budget into the arts and has failed to ensure the sector’s sustainability.

The result is low pay and poor job security for artists and arts workers, who are being left behind and hit particularly hard by the economic impacts of COVID-19.

The Greens recognise the creative sector’s substantial economic and social contribution to our state – as well as the profound crisis it currently faces – and have a plan to build a state of creativity by investing strategically in the sector. This includes investments in innovation, regional and remote arts, and mental health initiatives, as well as improving opportunities for and visibility of First Nations art and culture.




Investing in caring

Massive investment in WA’s care sectors

For too long, the care economy – which includes the education, health, mental health, aged care, social services, disability support and childcare sectors – has been under-resourced and neglected.

Yet investment in the care economy provides us with a clear pathway for Western Australia to rebuild and recover from the devastating social and economic impacts of Covid-19.

The Greens are calling for massive public investment to grow WA’s care economy, create jobs and ensure people get the support that meets their needs. We would direct new investments into WA’s education, aged care, health, mental health and disability services sectors; create thousands of feminised, low-carbon jobs; and improve access to much needed services and supports across sectors.




Investing in the green jobs

Investing in local green manufacturing

Employment in Australian manufacturing has fallen to just 7% of all jobs over recent decades. In Western Australia, the situation is even worse due to our reliance on mining and exporting raw materials for manufacturing overseas.

The good news is that we have the resources and opportunity to become world leaders in clean, green manufacturing – from green steel to green hydrogen and large-scale battery production.

It’s time for Western Australia to make things again.

We can rebuild the manufacturing industry in Western Australia in a way that creates meaningful jobs and helps transition us towards a zero-carbon future.