Greens Wins


The Greens don’t just talk about change — we deliver it.

We lead the way on major issues, we get Labor to act and stop the Liberals from dragging us backwards.

We’ve already seen Labor take up Greens policies, wiping 20% off student debt, making it free to visit the GP and rolling out 50c public transport fares in Queensland. We’ve secured billions for public housing and clean energy.

Now, we have a once-in-a-generation chance to go even further.

More Greens in parliament means real change.

This election, experts are predicting a minority government, and the Greens are within reach of winning seats across the country.

Last time there was a minority government, we secured dental into Medicare for kids, billions for clean energy, and world-leading climate laws.

With more Greens in parliament, we can expand Medicare to include dental and mental health, get 50c fares nationwide, and wipe all student debt.

All of this is possible. Countries around the world already have things we’re fighting for right now.

Together, we can keep Dutton out and get Labor to go further than they ever would alone.

Our wins

  1. Achieved $3 billion of extra funding for public and community housing, and an additional $500 million for critical social housing upgrades.
    Source: The New Daily, The Guardian, ACOSS
  2. Secured dental healthcare in Medicare for children under 18, ensuring coverage for 3.4 million kids.
    Source: Sydney Morning Herald
  3. Won significant improvements to the Safeguard Mechanism, which will now stop roughly half of coal & gas projects in the pipeline and put a hard cap on pollution.
    Source: ABC
  4. Enshrined the right to disconnect from work out of hours in the National Employment Standards, and helped criminalise wage & super theft.
    Source: The Age
  5. Secured changes to ensure that the National Reconstruction Fund, Future Made in Australia, and Export Finance Australia cannot fund coal, oil & gas projects.
    Source: The Guardian, The Canberra Times
  6. Secured $1.7 billion in total funding to help homes and businesses lower their energy bills and get off gas.
    Source: The Guardian
  7. Secured an additional 450 billion litres of environmental water for the Murray Darling Basin, as well as enshrining First Nations rights and $100 million for cultural flows.
    Source: ABC
  8. Forced massive private companies to disclose their tax arrangements and cleaned up conflicts of interests of big consulting firms in the wake of the PwC scandal.
    Source: The Age
  9. Successfully pressured Labor to scrap dodgy greenwashing in the form of ‘carbon offsets’ from their nature repair laws.
    Source: AFR
  10. Delivered a national anti-corruption commission with teeth by ensuring its new independent Inspector can properly oversee and audit the Commission.
    Source: ABC
  11. Made it harder for new gas projects to proceed by forcing Labor to shelve their fast-track laws and adding billions in extra costs for big gas corporations.
    Source: ABC,
  12. Pressured Labor to abolish the childcare subsidy activity test, ensuring better access to early learning for hundreds of thousands of kids.
    Source: SBS

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