AG Confidentiality Agreement

This agreement sets out the mutual obligations of the Greens and those who are privy to any confidential information provided by the Greens from time to time to an individual in their capacity as an office bearer, staff member, or participant in meetings with the Australian Greens or State parties.


1. The Greens:

1.1.  Undertake to respect the skills, dignity and individual needs of the person and to do its best to accommodate these individual requirements. It will be the convenor's responsibility to ensure that these requirements are met.

1.2.  In addition the Greens, via the convenor(s) and other relevant staff and/or project supervisors, undertake to:

  • Be receptive to any comments from the individual regarding ways in which we might mutually improve our capacity to accomplish our respective tasks.
  • Treat the individual as an equal partner with the Greens office bearers and staff, jointly responsible for accomplishment of the Green’s mission,
  • Provide adequate protection for the individual where they have a formal role through appropriate insurance.
  • Reimburse out-of-pocket expenses incurred whilst carrying out duties as authorised prior by the convenor.
  • Provide a reference for the individual on request providing that the individual has carried out their dutires to a standard that makes providing a reference useful to the individual.

The Individual agrees to:

1.3.  Perform tasks as assigned to the best of their ability.
1.4.  Understand that no salary or honorarium is to be paid for their work.
1.5.  Adhere to the Greens core values, policies and procedures, including record-keeping requirements.
1.6.  Meet time and duty commitments, or to provide adequate notice so that alternative arrangements can be made.
1.7.  Act at all times as a member of the team responsible for accomplishing the mission of the Greens.
1.8.  Understand that all work and tasks performed on behalf of Greens remain the property of the Greens and are protected by relevant privacy and copyright laws.

1.9.  Acknowledge that much of the information handled by the Greens is confidential and agree not to divulge, photocopy or show, in any paper, spoken or electronic form:

  1. to any person, matters relating to the operations or administration of the Greens; and
  2. to non-members, any internal information, membership details, embargoed information or confidential details regarding forthcoming campaigns or policy except with the explicit consent of the National Manager, or State equivalent.

Both the Greens and the volunteer agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct.


  1. Be considerate

    You will be working as part of a team. Your work will be used by other people, and this team in turn will depend on the work of others. Any decision this team takes will affect users and colleagues, and the team should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
  2. Be respectful

    This team and its members treat one another with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution. Team members may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. The Greens expect members of the team to be respectful when dealing with people outside the team.
  3. Be collaborative

    Collaboration is central to our work. This collaboration involves individuals working with others in teams within the Greens, and working with other internal and external projects. This collaboration reduces redundancy, and improves the quality of our work. Internally and externally, we should always be open to collaboration.
  4. Look for resolution of differences via consultation

    In exceptional cases where differing views cannot be resolved through discussion and consensus formation, the National Convenor, or State equivalent, is the final arbiter.
  5. If unsure, seek assistance

    Projects occasionally go off the rails because individuals feel embarrassed to ask for help. Even if you think your question seems stupid or that you should know the answer please ask. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged. Those who are asked questions should be responsive and helpful.
  6. Step down considerately

    Members of every project come and go. When somebody leaves or disengages from the project, in whole or in part, they should do so in a way that minimises disruption to the project. This means they should tell people they are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where they left off.
  7. Data Confidentiality

    The data maintained by the Greens in its offices and its systems is highly sensitive. You should accept that your access to Greens data and other systems will be limited on a strictly need to know basis. If you are given access to confidential material you must safeguard this at all times.
  8. Developing procedures and related issues

    Even if it's not obvious at the time, your contributions will impact on the work of others. Making changes to procedures, computer systems, infrastructure, policy, documentation, and translations without appropriate consultation and implementation planning may negatively impact on the work of others.Wherever possible, we should maintain an awareness of related projects within and external to the Greens and work closely with upstream projects and others to coordinate our technical, advocacy, documentation, and other work. Our work should be done transparently and we should involve as many interested parties as early as possible. If we decide to take a different approach than others, we will let them know early, document our work and inform others regularly of our progress.

Acceptance of this agreement may be by way of an exchange of signed agreements, an exchange of emails acknowledging acceptance of the contents of this agreement, or checking a box accepting this agreement on a confidentiality form online.