ACT Greens – Your Voice in the Assembly

The Greens put people and the planet at the heart of everything we do.

The Greens are a major force in ACT politics, and it is clear that the Greens are now the third major party in the  Legislative Assembly.

We champion evidence-driven solutions to the major problems our community is now facing: a changing climate, environmental destruction and economic inequality.

We know that the politics of old doesn’t work: we consider every issue on its merits, and on the evidence.

That’s why we’re playing our part to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, and are delivering on a clean, green energy future.

We’re thinking global and acting local to realise Canberra as a world leader in renewable energy.

We’re acting to protect our environment, and everything that depends on it.

We’re working hard to make sure this city is fair and equitable for all Canberrans, no matter your income, gender, age, sexuality, or background.

While Canberra grows, we’re working to ensure our city remains sustainable long into the future.

We’re committed to a connected Canberra and are delivering real transport solutions, including Light Rail Stage One. We are advocating for more active and sustainable transport options to keep our city moving.

We’re ensuring that all Canberrans can access safe, secure and affordable housing.

We’re getting a better deal for renters.

We stand for human rights for all, and fight against discrimination in all its forms.

We’re strong allies of our LBGTIQA+ community.

We’re standing with and for our community, ensuring that your voices are heard in our Assembly.

The Greens are founded upon four pillars of ecological sustainability, grassroots participatory democracy, social justice, and peace and non-violence.

Our achievements

In holding the balance of power and through our roles both in the ACT Government and from the crossbench, we have secured major wins for our community and our environment. 

Putting Our Climate FirstProtecting The EnvironmentCleaning Up PoliticsA Better a Deal for RentersCanberra's light rail networkA Smarter Approach to JusticePlanning and Development for the FutureMental Health Support when You Need ItPlanning, Heritage, and Urban Development

Our vision for Canberra

A fairer, more equal communityHuman Rights for AllWomen's RightsFirst Nations People and our Journey towards ReconciliationPutting People Before PokiesVision Zero on our Roads10 years of Balance of PowerPill Testing Saves LivesAnimal WelfareDying with Dignity and Restoring Territory RightsCommunity and DemocracyImproving consumer rights


Your Greens MLAs


Shane Rattenbury – Member for KurrajongCaroline Le Couteur – Member for Murrumbidgee

Key links


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