
Dishonest attacks another reason to ban roadside corflutes

27 April, 2022 - As election attack corflutes once again begin littering Canberra streets, the ACT Greens have again called for a ban on roadside electoral sign...

Feedback into proposed rental reforms released

27 April, 2022 - Tenants have warmly welcomed the ACT Government’s commitment to remove no cause evictions from residential tenancy agreements, saying it will g...

ACT leads the way with new fertility treatment for kangaroo management

14 April, 2022 - To ensure the ACT continues best practice in wildlife management, the ACT Government will integrate fertility control into the ACT’s kangaroo m...


14 April, 2022 - Firstly, thank you for visiting this page and seeking out more information. Whether you’re learning about it for the first time, or you’ve know...

More funds flow to promote ACT Healthy Waterways

8 April, 2022 - To improve waterway health and provide greater amenity for Canberrans, the ACT Government has provided a significant funding boost to the ACT He...

Real estate licencing reforms to protect consumers

7 April, 2022 - To improve protections for renters and potential homeowners in the ACT, the ACT Government will strengthen real estate agent licencing, to ensur...

Improving justice through a new ‘right to appeal’

6 April, 2022 - To ensure a transparent and fair justice system, the ACT Government has released a new discussion paper proposing reforms to allow a person conv...

Greens welcome solar powered path lighting pilot for Yerrabi Pond

4 April, 2022 -   After a long campaign, ACT Greens Member for Yerrabi, Andrew Braddock has welcomed the installation of solar path lighting at Yerrabi ...

Supporting businesses and organisations to electrify vehicle fleets

4 April, 2022 - To reduce our transport emissions to meet our target of net zero emissions by 2045, the ACT Government has today launched a new service to suppo...

Two Special Magistrates appointed

1 April, 2022 - Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury has appointed former NSW Magistrate Paula Russell and Sydney barrister Thomas Jones as Special Magistrates of ...

Have your say on the ACT Disability Strategy

31 March, 2022 - The ACT Government has launched the ACT Disability Strategy consultation to hear from the community on how Canberrans with disability can ...

Home Energy Support Program to provide solar rebates for low-income households

31 March, 2022 - To ensure a just transition, the ACT Government has today launched the first stage of its Home Energy Support Program, which will assist low-in...

Bad for the climate; no integrity; deeply unfair: A backwards budget full of dodgy deals

30 March, 2022 - The ACT Greens Federal Election candidates Tim Hollo and Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng have today condemned the Morrison government’s backwards budg...

$38 million to boost mental health services in the ACT

27 March, 2022 - More than $38 million will be invested into mental health and suicide prevention support and services across the Australian Capital Territory o...