22 October, 2019 - The Greens today voted against the creation of a new “aggravated littering” charge as part of the Litter Act, as this new charge would dispro...
22 October, 2019 - In a debate on the Litter Act earlier today, the major parties voted to aggressively penalise vulnerable people in our community for litterin...
22 October, 2019 - The Greens have issued a last-minute plea to the major parties to vote to support vulnerable people in our community, before a debate on the ...
21 October, 2019 - Today the Australian Greens have introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to lower the voting age to 16, marking another major miles...
16 October, 2019 - The ACT Greens have today called on the Government to commit to banning a range of single-use plastics by 2022, and to plan for an orderly tr...
15 October, 2019 - Responding to a draft recommendation of the NSW coroner that pill testing be provided at music festivals, the ACT Greens have today called fo...
15 October, 2019 - Madam Speaker,
I rise to make the following statement on suicide in the ACT, in accordance with the motion moved by Ms Bresnan and passed ...
14 October, 2019 - Yellow box and kurrajongs were some of the top ranked trees to beat the heat in a report which assessed 211 tree species used in Canberra’s u...
10 October, 2019 - The ACT Greens today have called for the introduction of optional voting for 16 and 17 year olds in the 2020 Territory election.
3 October, 2019 - The Greens have today welcomed news that a range of renters rights will come into effect sooner – but called on the Government to take this fu...
1 October, 2019 - To mark the start of Mental Health Month ACT 2019 the Canberra community are encouraged start conversations about mental health and wellbeing,...
1 October, 2019 - The ACT now has infrastructure in place to achieve 100% renewable electricity in 2020 and beyond, the Minister for Climate Change and Sustaina...
27 September, 2019 - Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability Shane Rattenbury has today announced recipients of two community grants programs who will sh...
27 September, 2019 - Canberrans will be able to have greater trust in our democracy if a Greens proposal to ban factually incorrect electoral material during lo...
25 September, 2019 - The Greens today expressed disappointment that a number of Greens amendments, designed to make the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis U...