This is our chance to get strong climate action.
Coal and gas are the major cause of this crisis. Yet both Labor and the Liberals are backing even more.

There will be a minority government this election – and the Greens are within reach of winning seats across the country.
Last time there was a minority government, the Greens cut climate pollution and delivered world-leading climate laws and billions in funding for clean energy.
This is our chance to do it again. We will keep Dutton's Liberals out and get Labor to act.
Nothing changes, unless your vote does. For strong climate action, Vote 1 Greens.

Both major parties take millions in donations from coal & gas corporations to fund their election campaigns.
We can't keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result.

The Greens don't take a cent from fossil fuel corporations. We fight for people, not polluters.
We cannot be bought and we will not sell out.
Your vote is powerful. The Greens now have over 100 elected representatives and we're in reach of winning new seats right across the country.
Our plan for ambitious climate action
The last time there was a minority government, the Greens cut climate pollution and secured world-leading climate laws and billions for clean energy.
This election, the Greens are on track to win more seats across the country. In the balance of power, we're fighting to:
- Stop new coal and gas.
- Expand publicly-owned renewable energy.
- End the billions in handouts to coal, oil and gas corporations.
- End fossil fuel subsidies for all industries except agriculture.
- Lower power bills by transitioning to more reliable clean energy.
- Subsidise solar & batteries for homes & businesses.
- End native forest logging.
- Save koalas and our wildlife from extinction.
- Create thousands of jobs during the transition.
- Explore our full platform
More announcements to come!
Right now, more than half of all coal and gas corporations pay no tax. Zero dollars.
We’d make them pay their fair share to fund our plans.
Greens Pressure Works

We’ve already made huge progress. In just the last term of parliament, the Greens:
- Stopped half of new coal and gas projects in the pipeline, improving and passing Labor’s climate laws.
- Dutton-proofed Australia’s climate targets in law.
- Stopped laws that would have let the Resources Minister fast-track new gas mines without First Nations consent.
- Secured $800 million for life-changing energy upgrades to public and social homes, saving people $1,800 a year on their energy bills.
- Won $1.3 billion in funding for households and businesses to transition to clean energy.
- Made big gas polluters pay for more of their pollution.
- Stopped the National Reconstruction Fund and Export Finance Australia from funding coal and gas.
- Toughened methane monitoring on coal and gas mines for greater accountability.
Imagine what we can do next with more Greens in parliament.
Both major parties take millions in donations from coal and gas corporations to fund their election campaigns.
In return, Labor and the Liberals want to continue giving over $1 billion in tax handouts every month to coal, oil & gas corporations.
An MCG worth of bushland is cleared every 2 minutes in Australia.
More than half of all coal and gas corporations pay no tax.
Our pledge to you:
We'll never support a Dutton government.
Vote 1 Greens to keep Dutton out.