If you’re worried about the cost of living, housing or climate crisis, you’re not alone.
Instead of working for you, Labor and the Liberals have taken millions in donations from supermarket giants, the big banks, and coal corporations.
We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result.
More Greens in parliament will keep Dutton out and get Labor to act.
If you want change, you have to vote for it.
Vote 1 Greens.
Our plan
In a wealthy country like ours, everyone should have a secure home, world-class healthcare and education, and a safe climate.
We can deliver it by making big corporations pay their fair share.
Dental into Medicare, see the GP for free
Prioritise fully funding our health services, ensure you can see the GP for free and include dental and mental health in Medicare.
Fighting for Renters & First Home Buyers
Genuinely tackle the housing crisis by ending unlimited rent increases, regulating the banks to bring down mortgages, building affordable homes & scrapping negative gearing for more than one property.
Tackle the cost of living
Make supermarket price gouging illegal, regulate the banks to bring down mortgages, invest in world-class free health, education & services.

The Greens deliver real change— from winning world-leading climate laws, and billions for housing and clean energy.
In this election, experts predict a minority parliament, and the Greens are within reach of winning new seats across the country.
In the last minority government, the Greens got dental into Medicare for kids. This election, we can finish the job of expanding Medicare to cover dental and mental healthcare for everyone.
The Greens will never support a Dutton Liberal government.
By voting Green, you can keep Dutton out and get Labor to act on the cost of living, housing, and climate crisis.
Over the past decade, Labor and the Liberals have raked in hundreds of millions from big corporations to fuel their election campaigns—money from big banks, coal and gas giants, and supermarket chains.
And in return? They side with their donors while everyday Australians pay the price.
In less than 3 years, Labor has approved over 25 more coal & gas projects.
They're giving $176 billion in handouts to wealthy property investors. This stops first home buyers and renters buying a home.
1 in 3 big corporations get away with paying no tax.
Liberal and Labor are funded by big banks, Coles & Woolies, and coal & gas corporations.
The Greens now have over 100 elected representatives across Australia.
Unlike the major parties, we don’t take donations from big corporations.
We can’t be bought, and we won’t sell out.
Our community always comes first.
Change is possible
All of this is possible. Countries around the world already have things we’re fighting for right now.
Our plan is ambitious, achievable and fully costed by the Independent Parliamentary Budget Office. Here's more of what we are fighting for:
- Tax billionaires & big corporations. Reduce inequality & fund the things we all need
- Healthcare for all: GP for free, dental & mental health into Medicare
- 50c public transport fares: frequent and accessible public and active transport
- Wipe all student debt, bring back free Uni & TAFE (like the PM had!)
- Real climate action: no more coal & gas
- Truth, Treaty, Justice for First Nations people
- Strong environmental action, end native forest logging, save koalas & wildlife from extinction
- Defend workers’ rights, lift wages
- Care before profits: putting older people first
- Restore political integrity. Strengthen democracy
- Fix the housing crisis: real help for renters & first home buyers
- Bring down the cost of living by funding the things we all need
- Fully funded, truly free, public education & $800 back-to-school payment
- Make supermarket price-gouging illegal, break up the duopoly
- High-quality childcare & early education
- Expand access & opportunity for disabled people
- Women’s equality: end violence, ensure abortion access, achieve workplace equity
- Strengthening Social Services & Ending Poverty
More announcements to come.