We're fighting for you

If you want change, vote for someone who will fight for you.

Labor and Dutton are backed by big corporations.

The same big corporations who are ripping us off.

If you want things to change, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you.

Someone who doesn’t take millions from big corporations.

The Greens have a plan to reduce the cost of living, make housing more affordable, tackle the climate crisis and make sure everyone is looked after. 

We'll take on the big corporations, stop them ripping you off and and tax them to fund the things that everyone needs.

Here’s how the Greens are fighting for you:

  1. Freeze and cap rents to make unlimited rent rises illegal, and build public and affordable homes
  2. Stop the big banks price gouging on interest rates and make mortgages more affordable
  3. Help first home buyers by phasing out the billions in handouts to big property investors
  4. Free University & TAFE, wipe student debt
  5. Universal free childcare & early childhood education
  6. Make public schools genuinely free: abolish “voluntary” fees and payments
  7. Raise Centrelink payments: JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, DSP and abolish mutual obligations
  8. Lift the pension and lower the retirement age
  1. Make supermarket price gouging illegal to make food cheaper
  2. Free dental and mental health under Medicare 
  3. Free and frequent public transport
  4. Fix broken environment laws, ban native forest logging, stop koala extinction
  5. No more coal and gas, strong climate action
  6. Reverse Labor’s NDIS cuts
  7. End the invasion of Gaza, stop the two-way arms trade with Israel
  8. Truth, Treaty, Justice for First Nations People
  9. Equality for all – freedom from discrimination, support multiculturalism and migrants

All of this is possible

If you want change, the first step is to back someone who's fighting for you.