20 Questions with Christina Hobbs


Emma Davidson

Name: Christina Hobbs

Age: 33

Role with the Greens: Senate Candidate for the ACT

1. What do you remember about your first election?

The first time I voted it was an early spring election, I had gone skiing for the day and we'd left it quite late to get down the hill and vote. We ended up getting stuck on a chair lift, and then missing the last bus and hitch-hiking our way to the polling booth. I can't remember who I voted for, in those days it was all about the fines... how things have changed.

2. Leadbeater's possum or eastern longneck turtles?

I've just googled an image of this possum, I'm not even going to bother googling the turtle. It is the possum, the possum wins.

3. What's your precious place and why?

Mount Taylor in Canberra. We were four kids growing up in an average size house that backed on to this hill reserve. I spent a lot of time walking around and up the hill when I was young just to get away, there were horses and kangaroos and it has beautiful views of Canberra. When I was running for preselection for the Greens I was so nervous about my speech I went back there to write and practice it.

From the Top of Mountain Taylor, the bush capital unfolds. Immediately below are the lawns of my old high school, Melrose High, and my own backyard. But in the distance are the rolling Brindabella Ranges, The Tinderries, and Namadgi National Park. At this time of year, there is a sea of orange, red and yellow as the season turns, and around my birthday in July the surrounding ranges turn white. 

4. Favourite Greens policy?

90% renewables by 2030.

5. Best part of your work with the Greens?

Yesterday, I was having a coffee and reading the paper when a couple of greens members came over to introduce themselves. Three hours later we were still at the cafe listening to live music as the sun set. From watching Richard in Parliament to meeting new friends at a cafe, it is that daily feeling of 'yes, these are my people, I have found my people'.

6. What keeps you going?

Lots of laughing and cheeky, silly things.

7. Favourite political song?

Favourite, I don't know. But sometimes I still wake-up in the night with a sweat, with the image of the creepy looking guy from Abbott! The Musical in my mind and the lyrics of Misogyny Me stuck in my head for the day. You can check it out online, but only if you truly want to.

8. Who inspires you? Why?

In the last 12 months it's got to be Aunty Jenny Munro, amongst other things she led activities to help save the Block in Redfern for aboriginal housing and stood up in Canberra with other grandparents against the forced removal of aboriginal children. Aunty Jenny established and held fort at the Redfern tent embassy for 450 days. First they laughed at her, then they threatened her, physically assaulted her, and arrested her. Then she won.

Aunty Jenny is an inspiring campaigner, and a strategic and courageous woman, who above all else inspires others to follow her actions not her words. I respect her nonviolent resistance, and her absolute gritty determination.

9. Comfort food?

I like surprises, especially chocolate ones, our office address is: 8-10 Hobart Place, Canberra.

10. What would you spend $20 billion on?

Solar panels, solar panels, solar panels.

11. Secret vice?

Finding a non water-saving shower head in the depth of a Canberra winter.

12. Best coffee/drink in town?

Front Cafe in Lyneham. A great place for a lazy Saturday arvo, take a sofa seat and chat away with whoever plonks down nearby.

13. Three apps you can't live without?

I could live very happily with no apps. I'm a 1GB plan per month kind of woman.

14. What did you want to be when you grew up?

I still want to be someone who goes riding on horses on beaches. Such was the impact of Video Hits and Daryl Braithwaite on small children in the 80's.

15. Morning run or night time swim?

Night swim, always night swim. I'm on a tight 11 minute morning schedule between crawling out of bed and slamming the front door shut on my way out. There is simply no time in there for a run. Plus I recently purchased a waterproof stereo. Now I swim to Beyonce.

16. What's your greatest hope for the future?

That one day I'll have a grandchild on my knee, showing them photos of flotillas in the Newcastle coal port and actions outside of Parliament House in Canberra saying 'we did it, it took too long, but we won, and we did it for you'. I also have a great hope for a brass door sign embossed with the words 'Senator Hobbs'.

17. Magic wand to solve one world problem — what would it be?

The 'be nice' wand. We can't change the world without changing our own words, own actions, own thoughts, so much starts and ends with just being nice.

18. What advice would you give a new volunteer?

Thermal socks, make for a happy July in Canberra election campaign.

19. You can travel through time – where do you go?

I'd go forward and take a photo of what winning on climate looks like.

20. If you weren't doing this for a living, what would you be doing?

I'd be right here, trying to do this (but with just a little more skiing on the weekends).