20 questions for Gösta Lyngå


Emma Davidson

Name: Gösta Lyngå

Age: 85

Role with the Greens: Councillor in Sweden, Member of Swedish Parliament, founding member of ACT Greens, various roles within the ACT Greens and the Australian Greens.

1. What do you remember about your first election?

Standing on street corners in a Swedish town spruiking the message that pollution of land, water and air are serious matters that need to be taken seriously.

2. Leadbeater's possum or eastern longneck turtles?

All species need to be preserved from extinction.

3. What's your precious place and why?

Canberra because of interesting people, beautiful environment, nice climate.

4. Favourite Greens policy?


5. Best part of your work with the Greens?

Collaboration with other parties to introduce carbon tax in Sweden in 1990.

6. What keeps you going?

Need for a better future for all species.

7. Favourite political song?

Judy Small: Global Village

8. Who inspires you? Why?

Richard Di Natale. He seems to know how to handle issues to achieve results.

9. Comfort food?


10. What would you spend $20 billion on?

Climate science and other essential research.

11. Secret vice?

Port wine in the evening.

12. Best coffee/drink in town?


13. Three apps you can't live without?

Sudoku, Passport, Money

14. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Astronomer, which I also became.

15. Morning run or night time swim?

Gym (Yes, but what time of day? — Curious Ed)

16. What's your greatest hope for the future?

A stable climate.

17. Magic wand to solve one world problem — what would it be?

Compassion between people of all religions, races and cultures.

18. What advice would you give a new volunteer?

Do what you do best.

19. You can travel through time – where do you go?

Forwards 200 years to see if we succeeded.

20. If you weren't doing this for a living, what would you be doing?

Going back to astronomical research.