20 Questions: Mehreen Faruqi


Name:  Mehreen Faruqi
Age:  Ageless

Role with the Greens: NSW Member of the Legislative Council, Greens NSW Spokesperson for Environment, Transport, Roads and Ports, Status of Women, LGBTI, Multiculturalism, Animal Welfare, Marine Environment and Fisheries, Young People, Healthy Lifestyles, Drug and Harm Minimisation and Western Sydney

  1. What do you remember about your first election?

    The door knocking. Loved it! Having the legitimacy to walk through peoples' front yards to have a yarn is really special.

  2. Koalas or grey nurse sharks? Why?

    That would be like choosing between my two children — Osman and Aisha. Love them both equally.

  3. What's your precious place and why?

    Too many to list, but over the years I've spent a lot of time in Centennial Park whether it was walking the children in a pram when they were babies, going for a power walk or sitting under a tree to read or mark papers. Green spaces in the middle of Sydney are so precious and must be protected.

  4. Favourite Greens policy?

    Women's policy. I grew up in Pakistan under the guidance of my strongly feminist aunt. I'm  pretty fired up to tackle the sexism and gender inequality in Australia and around the world. Last year, on behalf of the Greens NSW I introduced the first ever bill in NSW parliament to decriminalise abortion.

  5. Best part of your work with the Greens?

    Working with the community whether it's rehabilitatng a rainforest or fighting the polluting $15 billion Westconnex toll road. Social change has always come from massive community movements and helping build these in some small way is a privilege.

  6. What keeps you going?

    The incredible passion and hard work of Greens members and supporters really motivates and energises me. Spending time with local group members reaffirms the value of all the work we do to push a progressive social and environmental agenda. 

  7. Favourite political song?

    "It's not easy being Green" by Kermit the Frog.

  8. Who inspires you? Why?

    My mum. She's such a great listener and can always see many sides to a story. The world is a complex place and her way of resolving conflict by bringing people together, listening and sharing is something I have learnt from her.

  9. Comfort food?

    Can't go past home-made hot chips with a sprinkling of chaat masala — a mix of dry spices including chilli, cumin, fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, mace and dried green mango.

  10. What would you spend $20 billion on?

    I'm the Greens NSW spokesperson for transport so how could I not advocate for a truly world class sustainable public transport system across the whole of NSW, prioritising affordability accessibility and reach?

  11. Secret vice?

    I'm very good at keeping secrets.

  12. Best coffee/drink in town?

    Coffee in Sydney is  the best in the world (Sorry, Melbourne). Purple Moose which is a five-minute walk from my place is pretty fantastic.

  13. Three apps you can't live without?

    Google maps, Twitter, my calculator app — I am an engineer after all.

  14. What did you want to be when you grew up?

    An actor. During summer holidays I'd write plays and then perform these with the neighbourhood kids for our parents and extended families. I guess some of the skills still come in handy as a politician!

  15. Morning run or night time swim?

    No running for me I'm afraid. I do walk a lot, and fast.

  16. What's your greatest hope for the future?

    The many young people I meet across the state give me the best hope for the future. They are intelligent, articulate and full of purpose. It makes me fight harder for a safer and fairer future for them but also confirms that the future of our planet will be in safe hands.

  17. Magic wand to solve one world problem — what would it be? 

    I would use my magic wand to ensure every girl and woman on the planet has unimpeded access to primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as health services.

  18. What advice would you give a new volunteer?

    I'm lucky to have wonderful people volunteering in my office every day. It's pretty daunting to do things you may have never done before. The best advice someone gave me was 'feel the fear and do it anyway." I pass this on freely.

  19. You can travel through time — where do you go?

    2100. To (hopefully) see a world without any of the predicted impacts of climate change, where nations are powered by renewable energy, where people live in harmony and peace, and where koalas, grey nurse sharks and our wonderful biodiversity is thriving. Of course this would also mean the Greens movement to change the world will be a reality.

  20. If you weren't doing this for a living, what would you be doing?

    I've had an amazing career as a civil and environmental engineer, working in local government, consulting and as a researcher and academic in sustainability. I always thought teaching was my calling 'til I found politics.