20 Questions with Peter Carden


Emma Davidson

Getting to know my neighbour Peter was one of the best things about 2016 for me. His passion and energy for the environment and social justice, genuine caring for the people around him, and willingness to have a go have made a big difference to our neighbourhood team.

Name: Peter Carden

Age: 86

Role with the Greens: Member and volunteer, ACT Greens

1. What do you remember about your first election?

In the distant past, I remember Curtin in the war, and Ben Chifley and Bob Menzies. Just which of these I voted for in my first election, I can't remember. I can only nominate the one I wish I voted for. It would have to be Ben Chifley.

2. Favourite endangered Australian?

Probably the koala. I recently learned that when the cedar getters cut down all those trees in the coastal valleys, the ground was littered with displaced koalas. They were easy pickings for the fur hunters and the dingoes, which later were a curse to the sheep farmers who took over the cleared land.

The koala is not counted as endangered, but it is in many places that used to be its home.

3. What's your precious place and why?

My organic garden, planted and kept mostly by my beautiful wife, now departed.

4. Favourite Greens policy?

If I must pick just one, it has to be renewable energy.

5. Best part of your work with the Greens?

Interacting with voters face to face or voice to voice.

6. What keeps you going?

Making new friends amongst the Greens plus good food, exercise, and sleep.

7. Favourite political song?

Maybe not many would consider it political, but Leonard Cohen's "Anthem" describes the world as I see it. The folly of men, the ineptitude of our leaders or is it greed, the plight of the masses who want a better life, the failure of religion to meet the challenge, and yet there is hope.

8. Who inspires you? Why?

Albert Einstein, who demonstrated the power of science in enabling us to understand our world. He saw the spiritualism in science, and the beauty of mathematics as the language of the gods. All so relevant to Greens policies regarding science and education.

9. Comfort food?

Freshly picked cherries and a Greek salad. A spoonful of honey from my hive.

10. What would you spend $20 billion on?

A detailed plan to bring renewable energy industries to the northern districts of Queensland that want that big coal mine to go ahead. They rightly want jobs and they will fight for the only ones on offer. I'd try to have alternatives there ready to go just begging for workers.

11. Secret vice?

I really love women!

12. Best coffee/drink in town?

Skinny flat white by ONA cafe.

13. Three apps you can't live without?

ABC radio... the broadcasts

ABC radio....the podcasts

ABC radio

14. What did you want to be when you grew up?

An engineer.

15. Morning run or night time swim?

Walk in the hills when it's cool. Yoga when it's on.

16. What's your greatest hope for the future?

Wise leaders who teach us empathy and tolerance towards all nations and religions, and respect for human rights. A new economic narrative that recognises the limits of our planet. The realisation that technology has the potential to produce most things humans need without humans being employed.

17. Magic wand to solve one world problem — what would it be?

I don't believe in magic.

18. What advice would you give a new volunteer?

Don't be shy, face your demons. People don't bite, and they can't hurt you by being rude. Take advice. Remember why you are a Greenie and speak from the heart.

19. You can travel through time — where do you go?

I'd like to know how this world makes out long after I'm dead.

20. If you weren't doing this for a living, what would you be doing?

I'm retired and loving it.