2017 Global Greens Liverpool Declaration


The world faces disturbing and dangerous trends. Multiple actors are organising to combat the challenges these trends present. The Global Greens as agents of change, promoting a sustainable, just, peaceful, free and democratic future for human civilization on the Earth, have joined innumerable battles in pursuit of our shared values. We pledge to cooperate even more strongly in the future to make the fundamental transformations needed to return to future generations the world that we have only borrowed from them.

Environmental crises, inequality and conflicts are growing, prompting calls for political and societal change. Unscrupulous authoritarian leaders and right-wing politicians are exploiting this dissatisfaction. Using populist means, they blame virtually all problems on minorities, on dissenters, on the 'other', especially migrants and asylum seekers. For real problems, such as climate change or austerity and social division, leaders like Mr Putin, President Trump, President Erdogan, President Duterte and others offer imaginary solutions. We Greens are the opposite – we seek to replace fear with hope, hatred with compassion, racism with respect for all.

We Greens offer a politics which is both practical and visionary. We believe in a society that respects diversity, promotes peace, creates real democracy, challenges inequality and, above all, respects both nature and future generations. These Green values set out in our Charter, are common to Green Parties right across the planet. While we respect the diversity of Green Parties, we hold both to common principles and a practical approach to putting them into action. 

  • Climate Change
  • Ecology
  • Democracy
  • Social Justice
  • Sustainable Development
  • Peace

We are pleased to hereby present the "Liverpool Declaration” to you!