36 things you can do to help refugees right now


Kon Karapanagiotidis

You are powerful when you unleash your compassion, passion and talent to create welcome and safety for refugees. The darker it becomes the more important it becomes that our shared humanity burns even brighter as a beacon of hope.

Together we are this incredible ecosystem of justice and kindness when we participate, donate and advocate to support refugees. There is a volunteer role for everyone reading this. A good heart, a sincere desire to help refugees and being reliable are the most important things. Trust me that you will gain more from the experience of helping refugees than the help you give. You will have the incredible honour of meeting some of the most courageous, resilient and generous souls you will ever come across.  

Start anywhere, whether it's being able to volunteer on a weekly basis or do a one off event in support of refugees, signing a petition or just getting informed. Just take that first step and stand up for your values and for our wonderful Multicultural Australia.

Below are lots of hands-on practical ways, across Australia where you can help refugees.

  1. Become a Regular Donor to the ASRC to provide home, hope and welcome to refugees
  2. Get free training on how you can change attitudes to refugees in your community 
  3. Based in Melbourne? Volunteer to help refugees at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)
  4. Based in Brisbane and want to volunteer locally, check out BRASS Network
  5. Based in Adelaide and want to help refugees locally? Get involved in the Welcome Centre
  6. Based in Perth and want to help refugees locally? Get involved in the First Home Project and CARAD
  7. Based in Hobart & want to help refugees locally? Volunteer for the Southern Tasmania Migrant Resource Centre
  8. Join the Australian Refugee Council campaign for a “Fair Go for Families”
  9. Host a welcome dinner for refugees in your home through The Welcome Dinner Project
  10. Under 30? Join the ASRC Youth Action Project to help young people
  11. Are you a mum passionate about refugees? Join Mums4Refugees 
  12. Are you a Christian seeking compassion for refugees? Join Love Makes A Way
  13. Walk with your family to send a message of welcome, join Walk Together 
  14. Live in a regional or rural area of Australia? Join RAR.
  15. Are you a Grandmother passionate about the rights of refugee children?
  16. Contact your local MP & demand to bring the refugees on Manus and Nauru to safety here in Australia. You can find their contact details on the APH website. 
  17. Create employment for #refugees in Melbourne for example by using ASRC Catering & Cleaning Social Enterprise
  18. Volunteer to teach English and provide support to Sudanese refugees
  19. Campaign to make sure no refugee children are in detention centres, join Chilout
  20. Mentor refugees to succeed in the hospitality industry by volunteering for SCARF
  21. Be creative by doing your own fundraiser for refugees, anything from a trivia night, BBQ, party, garage sale to a music night
  22. Are you a lawyer based in Sydney? Volunteer your time to help RACS.
  23. Are you a teacher based in Melbourne that would love your students to learn about refugees? Contact ASRC Schools Program
  24. Sign the ASRC Petition to demand that the Turnbull Government bring the refugees on Manus and Nauru to safety in Australia or the No Business in Abuse pledge. (Editor's note: or the Greens' petition to close the camps)
  25. Mentor Young Refugees in Melbourne, get involved with CMY
  26. Get informed. Know the facts. Check out Refugee Council of Australia website 
  27. Come along to an event as part of the upcoming Refugee Week
  28. Become a food sponsor to provide vital food security for refugees
  29. Volunteer for RISE in Melbourne to support refugees
  30. Live in Wollongong? Get involved with Strategic Community Assistance to Refugee Families (or phone 02 4224 8646)
  31. A migration agent or lawyer in Brisbane? Use those skills to help RAILS
  32. Based in Townsville in Queensland? Volunteer for the Townsville Multicultural Support Group to help refugees settle in the local community
  33. In Sydney? Check out OneStep walks where Aussies walk with refugees — just a one-off walk/talk to connect and create welcome
  34. Help create a place of welcome & support for refugees in Brisbane by volunteering for the Romero Centre
  35. Help refugees build a career in fashion by using your creative skills to volunteer for The Social Studio
  36. Volunteer with the Refugee Council of Australia in their Sydney and Melbourne offices

Kon Karapanagiotidis is the CEO and founder of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne and a fierce advocate for the rights of people seeking asylum, refugees and Indigenous Australians. Kon is also a human rights lawyer, social worker, Board Member for Children's Ground, philanthropist, masseur and cooking enthusiast. Image of child at a Melbourne Refugee rally is cc-by Takver.