The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation does incredible work supporting Green movements across our region to build a just and sustainable future. Now, they need your support.
By Nick Cooper
When we say we want to change the world, we don’t just mean in Australia.
That is why the Australian Greens is a proud supporter of the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation. APGF does incredible work activating women and youth activists, training tomorrow’s leaders, and supporting Green movements across our region to build a just and sustainable future. Our women’s mentoring programs, gender equity trainings, Youth Network and dozens of other initiatives strengthen our Green movement across borders and give the next generation of leaders the skills and confidence they need to take their activism to the next level.
But now, APGF needs your help. Like the Australian Greens, we don’t have the big money of big polluters. We do amazing things with a tiny budget. How? Because we have something powerful: the support of people like you.
In just one week, APGF launches its biggest fundraising campaign ever. Over two weeks we need to raise $15,000 to fund critical women’s, youth, and capacity-building projects to turn the Asia-Pacific Green.
And we have big plans.
Over the past year APGF has trained more than 20 gender equity trainers. That’s 20 strong women leaders who will organise and inspire others in their communities to stand up to patriarchy and demand justice for women and girls everywhere. They are advocates for change in their societies who can organise others for a fairer future. Over the next year, we wants to amplify their voices and support them to train more than 80 activists on gender equity in the region.
Since 2018, APGF’s mentoring program has already given 15 women the opportunity to learn from, collaborate with, and be inspired by global female leaders and experts in Green politics and the Green movement. And the program is growing, currently supporting another 7 women to develop their skills and leadership. Rachana Shrestha, a young activist from Nepal, joined the mentoring project in 2018:
Being an APGF Women’s Network Mentee opened my eyes. There are so many possibilities, and they are so close if you want to catch them! The Mentorship program has given me the skills and confidence to lead and advocate for what I believe. Thank you to my mentor, Global Greens Convenor Keli Yen, and to the Mentoring program!
- Rachana Shrestha
Through her strong relationship with her mentor, Global Greens Convenor Keli Yen, she gained the knowledge, skills and empowerment to become a leading advocate for women in Nepal and internationally. Since her time in the program, Rachana has been a candidate in Nepali elections, has led a number of APGF projects, is the current Secretary of APGF’s Women’s Network, and represents APGF in the Global Greens.
And over the next year, we want to expand our reach even further, improving access for women in the Middle East not served by meetings held in English. The Middle East Arab Women’s Network will be supported by APGF in collaboration with Green parties in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Palestine, building pan-Arab partnerships and ensuring that Arab women’s voices and perspectives are heard and amplified within APGF and beyond.
As Greens, we want to change the world. We need leaders. APGF is supporting women and young people to step up and build a fairer, more sustainable future. Please support us, and keep an eye out for our fundraiser on 30 April.
Thanks for all you do for our movement.
Nick Cooper is the Asia Pacific Greens Federation secretary.