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From the Senator for SA

9 November, 2014 - Senator Penny Wright Again a huge year for the Australian Greens and my team, working in my portfolio areas of legal affairs, mental health,...

From the Senator for SA

9 November, 2014 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young We're just one year into the Abbott administration and it's becoming increasingly clear that Australians were sol...

From the Senator for Victoria

9 November, 2014 - We face a battle for the soul of our country, and the Greens are the only ones with the vision and courage to truly take the fight up to Tony...

From the Senator for WA

9 November, 2014 - It’s hard to talk about this year without acknowledging off the top that we have a PM and government that seem committed to making things har...

From the Senator for WA

9 November, 2014 - Senator Scott Ludlam Looking back over the last 12 months it is hard to imagine how much the country has changed in the intervening period. ...

Beyond coal

5 November, 2014 - Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia, and right around...

Open up the market!

3 November, 2014 - Dear Australian Greens, My name is Dejan Stefanovic. I am a mining engineer, born in Serbia and migrated to Australia in 2006 under a Skilled...

So long and thanks for all the fish

3 November, 2014 - Christine Cunningham With National Conference just a week away, and where the elections for the new leaders of our party will be decided, th...

The world is on fire

3 November, 2014 - Heather Bruer Last July Palmer and the government tore down our scheme which required the polluter to pay. Under that scheme Mr Palmer's comp...

Vale Gough Whitlam

21 October, 2014 - Greens leaders On the passing of Gough Whitlam by Christine Milne This is a significant moment for Australia as we remember Gough Whitlam and...

Swing against Abbott in bellwether divestment vote

20 October, 2014 - Senator Christine Milne The decision by ANU to end its investment in fossil fuels is a bellwether moment for Australia. It's democracy up aga...

WA: We just can't stop!

20 October, 2014 - Grahame Bowland The last two years have been a roller coaster for the Greens WA, with five campaigns following closely upon one another — a s...