
containers for change! 

By Sonya Semmens


Our members and supporters are what make our movement so incredible. Together, between now and the next Federal election, we are going to take the power back from the lobbyists and the big corporations. 

Yet we are still in a cost of living crisis, with so many feeling the pinch, so it is even more critical that we support each other and collectively power our people-powered movement. 

This month, we wanted to share a lovely story from Phil who has been fundraising for our movement and cleaning up the environment at the same time.

Greens Member Phil Alford

For over five years, Phil has been collecting cans in his South Brisbane neighbourhood and cashing them in to donate to the Greens.

Container deposit schemes now exist in every state and territory in Australia, and are a much more effective way of recycling these containers than the frequently misused yellow lid recycling bins. 

Phil explains, “Drink containers eligible for the scheme include aluminium cans, PET and other plastic drink bottles, drink cartons, alcoholic beverage bottles and, since November 2023 in Queensland, wine, sparkling wine and spirits bottles.”

Once a week, Phil takes 3 or 4 plastic storage bins filled with empty containers to a ‘Containers for Change’ reverse vending machine depot. He feeds the containers into the machines, and receives a voucher which he can redeem for cash at a local supermarket.

Each week, Phil collects an average of 350 containers. This raises around $1,800 each year - and a whopping total of around $9,000 over the past 5 years!  

Phil is proud to wear his Greens t-shirt while he’s cleaning up the local area.

He says, “Quite often I stop to chat. I explain why I am collecting, and that the money all goes to the Greens. I’ve even met some people who made a point of telling me they voted Greens because of seeing me doing this so often!”

He’s also getting about an hour of exercise and fresh air a day – or around 5,000 steps.

“If you have some time in the morning, I highly recommend it,” Phil says. “Help get Greens elected, one drink container at a time!”

5 ingenious ways to power the change!

  • Cash in your cans and containers like Phil.
  • Cash in your shares?! Go big!
  • Host a fundraising event – film night, trivia night, bake sale or curry night.
  • Donate your tax refund to the Greens (and claim it back on your tax next time).
  • Become a Climate Champion and chip in a few dollars weekly to fight for our future.