Green Magazine

December 2020


We’re on a roll

What a year! Adam Bandt shares some of our wins and losses of 2020 – as well as our drive to boot out the climate-wrecking Liberals at the next election.

City of men

Widely, daily and by design, the modern city excludes those of us who don’t occupy straight white able cis male bodies.

Outliving nuclear weapons

Has the ongoing nuclear weapons standoff really prevented another world war, or are we just lucky so far?

Also this month

Change is possible

Earlier this year, Lidia Thorpe made history by being the first Aboriginal person elected to represent Victoria in the Senate. In this excerpt from her maiden speech to Parliament this month, Lidia shares the strength and adversity that guides her journey of truth-telling, healing and justice – and why she wants you to join her.

Getting to know our new MPs: Emma Davidson

2020 has been a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly at the October election. Over the coming few months we’ll be introducing our newest MPs, beginning with Member for Murrumbidgee and ACT government minister Emma Davidson.