Don’t let Labor ‘snatch defeat from the jaws of victory’!


Judy Blyth

There was euphoria at the landslide victory to Labor and that for at least the next four years therell be four Greens MLCs. It seemed so unjust that Lynn wasnt re-elected after her Herculean efforts as South Metro MLC. Shell be sadly missed but we were able to welcome Tim and Diane as rookie MLCs and celebrate the return of Robin and re-election of Alison.  

Up our nostrils was the smell of another victory – to ban uranium mining from WA via legislated prohibition. The election had delivered a 50% Labor-plus-Greens result in the Upper House – tight, but very encouraging all the same – and of course Labor won the lions share of Lower House seats. We had endured 8 years of relentless pro-uranium mining encouragement by Emperor Barnett & Co. This included the final months of their sinking “reign” when their efforts became frantic, (similar to their frenzied, ruthless rush to destroy bush and wetlands for the never-to-be Roe 8). Nuclear-free future campaigners celebrated that not one uranium mine had been established in this state under the Libs, and thanked the falling uranium price for making it clear that uranium mining was a poor investment choice. Huge thanks too to CCWAs Mia Pepper, ACFs Dave Sweeney and our beloved Scott Ludlam for fuelling our anti-uranium mining campaign with a stream of helpful facts.

Now, or so we thought, we can rest our hopes in Labors policy to refuse to allow a uranium mine to proceed unless it had gained all the required federal and state approvals, had started construction, its proposers had made a final investment decision to proceed and its economic viability had been demonstrated adequately. Not one of the four proposed uranium mines, Yeelirrie, Kintyre, the Wiluna Uranium Project nor Mulga Rock, had satisfied all Labors criteria. Okay?


Within the new Labor Governments first fortnight, a newspaper reported that Mines Minister Bill Johnstone had said hed allow four uranium mines to go ahead. No formal Ministerial statement was issued – but the doubt was sown. Hence the comprehensive multifaceted nuke-free future campaign has to continue its peaceful fight to protect WA from harmful cultural, health, water and environmental impacts should any mines proceed and we must prevent any use of their product in risky nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons and in further growth of global radioactive wastes. We also must convince Premier McGowan and team to reinstate its Renewable Energy Target for WA. We need that trigger to encourage businesses to invest confidently in renewable energy.

Nuclear power is a failing industry around (most of) the world. Few new reactors are being constructed and the old set are progressively ageing and needing to be decommissioned. We know that renewable energy is cleaner, cheaper and far safer and that no-one can make nuclear weapons or dangerous radioactive wastes out of those technologies. We can be so encouraged that RE is gaining more traction around the world. We know its the way to go – and that a planet-saving transition away from nuclear and fossil-fuel-based power generation is urgently necessary. As Greens, youll have been helping to reach that future in our multitude of different ways but please do plunge into an extra special effort now to secure the needed legislative change to achieve our goal.

Heres a list of easy actions to take – some of which you likely have already done.  If so, skip to any not yet undertaken and I hope DO them! It would also be very helpful if you could forward the following list to friends too, inviting them to take these simple actions. We are so CLOSE to achieving our goal. We just need a rousing GROUNDSWELL now to secure it!

Heres the link to the WA Uranium-free Charter which goes to the Premier. Please sign and send it and then share it around:

Please respectfully email or ring the following Ministers, firstly to congratulate them, and then to appeal that Labor honour its anti-uranium mining policy. Also urge that it resurrect its Renewable Energy Target for WA.

Minister for Mines, Bill Johnston      Tel.: 9356 5011     or

Minister for the Environment, Stephen Dawson   Tel:  6552 5800       or

Minister for Water, Dave Kelly   Tel.:  6552 6100  or

Premier Mark McGowan – Tel.:   9592 7422      or

Photo: Ranger uranium mine in the Northern Territory. Source: 2013