Everything is Connected


Tim Hollo

There's never been a more exciting time to talk about big green ideas!

Well, there's certainly rarely been a more important time.

After the trauma of the last year and more, from Brexit and Trump to the loss of Scott and Larissa, and with heated debates about the direction of politics going on both privately and publicly within UK Labour, US Democrats, the Australian Greens and others, we really need to get together and talk.

That's why it's so important that you come along to the Green Institute's inaugural conference, Everything is Connected: Building a Green Politics for the Next 25 Years, in Canberra, October 27-28.

Why the next 25 years?

2017 marks 25 years since the federation of the Australian Greens – a quarter century in which the party has gone from being a fringe movement to an established political force making substantial impacts on the course of Australian history, improving people's lives, and protecting the planet.

2017 also marks an extraordinary moment in history, as the political certainties, realities and possibilities which the party and the great majority of our members and supporters grew up in begin to melt into air.

The arrival of the climate crisis, sharply deepening inequality, the rise of the extreme right, and massively accelerating technological development make the next 25 years among the most pivotal in human history to date. If we don't change direction dramatically, we face a future that is nasty, brutish and short. We have a very short window to turn this around and create a society that can not only survive but thrive.

It is clear that we Greens are the only party facing up to this challenge but also, like the broad left across the globe, currently starkly unable to present and articulate a politics which is both popular and sufficiently radical to rise to the challenge.

That's why we need you to come along in October and be part of this critical conversation.

We are super excited to say that tickets are now available online. Due to the size of the venue, at Old Parliament House, tickets are strictly limited, so we encourage you to book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

The full program will be available as soon as our small working group is able to sort through the brilliant proposals that have been submitted. At a minimum, there will be fascinating and provocative discussions about everything from urban design to global commons; ancient First Nations concepts of governance to the impacts of artificial intelligence on society and democracy; human health to mental health to environmental health; the form and role of the state to the form and role of the economy; and much more. This will be two days of conversation you do not want to miss.

Your ticket also gets you in to the Friday evening event where we will celebrate 25 years of the Australian Greens, discuss sessions so far, and enjoy fun and stimulating entertainment.

You will notice that there are three levels of ticket pricing based on your ability to pay. Given that we are a tiny not-for-profit organisation, we ask that you purchase the highest level of ticket that you are able to, and help us make it accessible to more people who otherwise could not afford to take part. In addition, there will be a small number of bursaries and travel scholarships available. Please get in touch with us if you either would need one or know of someone who would.

Please book early to avoid missing out, and also help us out by spreading the word!