Green Institute news


Margaret Blakers

Fracking the future

Webinar with Mark Ogge

8 pm Thursday 23 April 2015

The unprecedented expansion of unconventional gas (such as coal seam gas) in Australia is almost always justified on the basis of gas company claims about jobs and economic benefits. However these claims almost always exaggerate the benefits and ignore the many of the costs. In fact, the experience and research shows that unconventional gas provides few jobs and has serious negative impacts on existing industries and the economy more broadly. Mark Ogge from the Australia Institute explains the shonky economics and the social and environmental impacts.

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The oldest game in town

Settle down with a cup of tea and read Scott Ludlam's inspiring essay on cities in Green Agenda, our new online publishing venture to promote discussion on green ideas. We'll be organising launch/debates around the country as new editions are published in the coming months. Contact us if you're interested in hosting one.