Green Institute update


Margaret Blakers

The surveillance state and you

Webinar with Scott Ludlam

30 September 2014, 8 - 9pm

Law enforcement agencies used to have to get a warrant to tap your phone. But now it's much easier to track everything about any Australian's personal life – authorities ranging from police to the Australian Taxation Office and even the RSPCA can easily and quickly request 'metadata' about your phone calls, emails and movements. Senator Scott Ludlam will discuss this disturbing trend and why every Australian should be concerned about it.

Senator Ludlam is the Greens' spokesperson for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. 

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To join a web seminar you need a computer with speakers and microphone, $6 to book if you're in Australia, or gratis if you're anywhere else on the planet. All welcome.

New Zealand votes:  20 September 

The election is close in more ways than one!  The Greens are doing well but they need you! If you're eligible to vote, enrol now — you'll be really really sorry if you miss out. 

You can also listen to NZ Greens MP Gareth Hughes talking about the election and the issues, recorded a few weeks ago when the election campaign was just starting to warm up. And visit the Greens' excellent webpage

Catch up with previous webinars

Green-minded speakers talk about the budget, trade, renewables, housing and more on the Green Institute vimeo channel.

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