Green Issue: Editorial August 2017


The Green Issue Editors

We were shocked and saddened to learn that Senator Scott Ludlum had to step down due to the dual citizenship fiasco. His replacement is yet to be officially appointed. Thus, we have a blank space on our 'From our MPs list. Nevertheless, we still have our regular reports from Senator Rachel Siewert and Robin Chapple, (Member for Mining and Pastoral in the WA Legislative Council). But they are now joined by Alison Xamon (actually re-joined, this time MLC for North Metropolitan), Tim Clifford (MLC for East Metropolitan) and Diane Evers (MLC for South West).

With the WA local government elections coming up in October, we thought it would be timely to make this the theme for this Green Issue. More specifically, even though these elections are supposed to be non-party political, what should be the appropriate nature of engagement for Greens-minded people? Indeed, for many, if not most, of the pertinent issues in local government elections The Greens have much to say, particularly in the areas of environmental sustainability and grassroots democracy.

First up, for an inside view we have Brad Pettitt, Mayor of Fremantle for the past eight years and who is again standing. Another aspirant for the Fremantle City Council is Liam Carter, wanting to upgrade his favourite spot of South Fremantle. And Cliff Collinson, long-time councillor for the Town of East Fremantle, is having a tilt at the mayorship. Giving us an insight into country town councils is Diane Evers. Rob Delves elaborates on what a well-functioning city council means to him, mainly with respect to library facilities and facilitation of cycling. As local government is at the coal-face (excuse the term!) of having to deal with the effects of climate change, Chris Johansen elaborates on the actual and possible role of local government in mitigating and adapting the community to climate change.

With the tragic and scandalous situation of the Manus and Nauru refugees becoming even more so of late, Shek Graham of the Refugee Rights Action Network (WA) gives us an up-to-date insight as to what is now happening. Finally, Chris Johansen reflects on his history vis-à-vis Aboriginal history and asks how much further we have to go to exorcise the lingering effects of terra nullius.

Header photo: Perth Council House. Credit:

Greens (WA) Annual General Meeting 2017

The AGM will be held on Sunday 22nd October from 2-4 at Lottery House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth.

Further information will be emailed soon in Green Announce.