Green Issue : Editorial June 2017


The Green Issue Editors

We begin this June 2017 Green Issue with an analysis by Chilla Bulbeck of The Greens (WA) performance in the May 2017 WA state election. A downside of this election was the loss of Lynn MacLaren from the Legislative Council, and we include excerpts from her valedictory speech. The upside, however, was the election of Tim Clifford, Alison Xamon and Diane Evers, to join re-elected Robin Chapple. We also include a report from Vivienne Glance about the Australian Greens National National Conference in Alice Springs in May.   Angela Rossen suggests how we can become better acquainted with the bounteous nature all around us. 

Feature : The changing social security scenario

Advancing technology and changing demography are causing us to rethink the workplace and social security paradigms.

The Green Economic Forum presents us with a paradigm of how to reconcile a socially equitable society with our now obvious ecological ceiling. 

Senator Rachel Siewert reports on the outcome of a Greens (WA) workshop held in April examining Australias social security net. Topics including the future of work, universal basic income and tax reform were deliberated. Rob Delves further examines the concept of 'work and how it relates to economics and well-being.

And, we have our regular updates from our Senators Rachel Siewert and Scott Ludlam.

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