Greens (WA) Annual General Meeting 2016


Nominations are invited for the office bearer positions of Co-convenor (2), Secretary and Treasurer, and positions of National Delegate, State Member and Deputy State Member of the Australian Greens National Council. Nominations must be in writing (by email or post). For information about the various roles, see sections 19-22 of the Constitution Greens (WA) Constitution Nominations must reach the Greens (WA) office by COB Monday 24th October 2016 – email or post to 1/440 William St. Perth

Nominations are also open for up to four (4) members of the Administration Working Group (AWG). Nominations can be emailed to  by Monday 24th October.

Nominations are also open for three members of the Quick Decision Making Group (QDMG). Regional groups are invited to nominate members to  by Monday 24th October 2016.

All you have to say is: 'I, , nominate for the position of ' and then your name (or signature if nominating by post).

Members of AWG and QDMG will be approved by the Reps Council on the 19th November 2016.

All Working Groups are requested to confirm their mandate and their appointed Coordinator as per s37 of the constitution. This should be done at the Reps Council on 19th November 2016. Confirmations can be sent to and 

Photo: Greens (WA) AGM 2013 Chris Johansen