On the hustings for Canning


Giz Watson (Australian Greens Co-convenor)

Canning is an outer urban and rural electorate to the south east of the Perth metropolitan area, named after Alfred Canning (1860–1936), a surveyor who pioneered stock routes and rabbit-proof fences (well the fences didnt work too well, did they?) in Western Australia.

The majority of Canning voters are in Armadale and Mandurah, however the major geographical area is rural — containing some heavy and light industry, bauxite mining, stone and citrus fruit production, beef and dairy farming, market gardens and logging.

Although, historically, Canning hasnt held a rich vein of Green voters we are determined to find them in this by-election!

To start with we have an excellent candidate in Dr Vanessa Rauland, a renewable energy advocate, university lecturer and a small business owner. She is articulate, passionate and keen to present a vision for a transformed liveable city.

Then weve got enthusiastic members and supporters out on the hustings at train stations, shopping centres, knocking on doors, calling voters and staffing early polling places.  As one of the Australian Greens co-convenors, I recently spent the day in Armadale with our candidate, Senator Rachel Siewert and other volunteers asking voters for their support. We were also encouraging them to tell Tony Abbott that they are fed up with his destructive approach, in particular his relentless attacks on solar energy, public transport and housing affordability.

Interestingly, despite not being a wealthy area Canning has a very high up-take of solar technology. According to the Australian Solar Council, almost 50 per cent of households in Canning have already embraced solar for power and hot water. So were making solar a big voting issue for the electorate and reminding people that the Greens are the only party consistently standing up for solar households. 

The next excitement has been the level of support for our campaign. It has been quite extraordinary — and not limited to WA either. Generosity from donors and volunteers has meant we can get our message out to more people in Canning and engage an organiser to co-ordinate our willing helpers. 

It is clear that our members and supporters right around the country are highly motivated and energised to take on the Abbott Government; to do all we can — where we can — to see them lose the up-coming Federal election; to see the Green vote surge and to create the massive changes that are needed for Australia to really address climate change, become a more compassionate community and stop the massive attacks on our social infrastructure.

Its not too late to support the Canning by-election campaign. Contribute to the campaign or follow us on social media by clicking one of the buttons below.