It's too hot!


Grahame Bowland (WA Co-Convenor)

In the three weeks since Ive updated you on happenings in the west, weve seen the centre of Perth shut down for a massive (in every sense) piece of street theatre. The Giants were a wonderful spectacle. It was particularly good to see the crowds flocking into the city smash a number of Transperth records — 1.4 million people came to the city for the event, and most came in by train or by bus.

The WA Young Greens have been getting out there for campus O-Days, talking to students and campaigning against the Abbott Governments $100,000 degrees. Theyve also worked to raise the alarm about metadata retention — a very important issue, but also difficult to communicate. This terrifying parody of Senator George Brandis, the man behind the plan to indiscriminately spy on every Australian, got the point across pretty well (see animation).

Sarah Nielson-Harvey and Kieran Gulvin campaign
to #StopDataRetention at Curtin University

Its nice to see us putting on our own performance art, and getting an important message across! Thanks to everyone who got out in the forty-plus degree weather to talk to students and make a difference.

On the topic of metadata retention, make sure you check out Scott Ludlams Facebook and Twitter, and watch #StopDataRetention. Well be putting on some cryptoparties soon, aimed at giving you the skills you need to protect your privacy online.

Lynn MacLaren and Robin Chapple, our Greens WA MLCs, have done important work responding to the Four Corners expose on abuse within the Greyhound Racing Industry. They have called for an urgent, independent inquiry. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter to find out more.

Senate estimates hearings have just finished — they come around three times a year. The hearings are an important opportunity for senators to question ministers and officials directly on the work they are doing. As such, they are one of our main means to get to the truth of what is going on within the Abbott government.

Estimates also represents an incredibly tough couple of weeks for the senators and their staff. Its important that we recognise that work — our thanks to Scott and Rachel, and to your crews!

Well soon be up and running with phone banking for the NSW Greens, in support of their state election campaign. Weve honed our capacity to pull together and help out other states, and Im sure well better our excellent work helping out the Victorian and Queensland Greens.