Lynn MacLaren's April Update


Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC

Theres no getting around the fact that this is a sad time for me as I leave my role as the Greens MLC for the South Metropolitan Region. This is my final pollie page after two terms in State Parliament. Over the past 8 years I have grown as an activist, a legislator and a team leader. I have developed many friendships within Parliament and throughout the state, but especially among Greens and Greens supporters in the electorate. I have been delighted to work beside Greens MPs state and federal and to serve a constituency rich in diversity.

As my record will show I have not limited my focus to a few favourite campaigns, but I have worked in earnest to give Western Australians a voice across a wide range of social justice and environmental causes. Many of my efforts have borne fruit and no doubt helped to lift our support state-wide to double our numbers in Parliament. I can lay claim to being a part of defeating Barnetts drumlines to save sharks, raising opposition to stop Roe 8 and save Beeliar wetlands, protecting peaceful protest, saving a small wild population of numbats and improving biodiversity and conservation laws. I also pushed forward pushbikers protection, defended GM-free farming, championed marriage equality and safe schools, exposed the lies behind labelling free range eggs and tabled the first climate change bill in WA Parliament. These achievements were made possible with the support of a wonderful team working in concert with passionate and committed individuals and community groups. Thats how we do things in South Metro.

Sharing this past parliamentary term with Robin Chapple has been a privilege – he has been a true comrade and dear friend. Our office teams have supported each other through thick and thin, and I want to especially thank Nina who has been a wonderful support to me for many years; and Tim, Betty and all those over the years who have jumped aboard for shorter stints in our offices, each making a significant contribution to our Greens presence.

So, this is what the last few weeks looks like. At the end of my term I will give one final valedictory speech in the Legislative Council at a time to be determined on May 16, 17 or 18. The many materials amassed in my office in Wray Avenue are being re-distributed to the four new MLCs over these last weeks during the portfolios handover. We close our doors on Friday the 19th of May. Its not the first time Ive had to de-commission the Greens South Metro office – its happened before in 2005.

Picking up the mantle, the four Greens MLCs successfully elected for the term of 2017-2021, will gain the benefit of our experience and hit the ground running. Exciting times for the Greens WA and our supporters. Staffers Eloise and Arran are seeking other positions and I wish them well during the transition. Part-timer, Connor, retains his position with Robin and Leigh has already been picked up by Alison Xamon MLC, ensuring continuity across a range of policy portfolios and in stakeholder relationships.

I will also be looking for new opportunities, but not until Ive had time to rest and reflect on the past 8 years as an activist in Parliament. There may well be a book in there somewhere! I will also continue to be a carer to my partner, Sarah, during her treatment for metastatic breast cancer.

In this article I want to express my gratitude to Sarah, to Leigh, Eloise, Arran and Connor, and to my family and friends who have carried me through and shared this journey. Public life, green activism and political representation, are heart-warmingly energising but also take a toll. Relationships that survive in spite of the pressures on time and attention are like diamonds highly treasured.

Photo: Lynn at Beeliar wetlands protest.