Lynn's Page


Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC

Its been all systems go as the WA State Election campaign builds towards its most crucial point: polling day. The campaign kicked off for me on my return from a short break over Christmas and New Year. Ive been out and about throughout January and February, meeting with the community, listening to their issues, working with South Metro candidates, promoting Greens policies through forums, panel discussions and other re-election events and, crucially, joining my fellow Beeliar Wetlands defenders in standing up against Roe 8, as frequently as possible.

While I have been present for many of the mass actions called by the Save Beeliar Wetlands and Rethink the Link groups since mid-December, 12 Januarys action will remain at the forefront of my mind for a long time to come. Thousands descended on Malvolio Road in Coolbellup as bulldozers moved in to begin the demolition of one of our most precious places. Families, students, professionals and seniors were part of a huge cross-section of people from across the community who turned out at 6am to sing, chant and voice their determination to stop Roe 8. The experience was very uplifting and re-energising for me, more than ten years into campaigning to stop this road.

The weeks that followed would take a darker turn, however, as defenders were arrested, court challenges were lost, EPA conditions were repeatedly breached, animals were killed and displaced – all within sight of an election which could give rise to a new Government which has promised to stop this environmental vandalism. I know I am not alone when I say my heart broke as I watched the Liberal Party bulldozers crash through our bushland. If re-elected next month, I will call for a State Parliamentary Inquiry to examine the huge failings and repeated non-compliances which have themed Roe 8 construction to date.

Going back to late January and I was afforded two opportunities to share Greens policy on housing affordability and homelessness, at the RUAH Community Services round-table and panel discussion and at the Shelter WA pre-election forum. On both occasions, I reminded gathered guests of the Greens commitment to working for a healthy well-funded community sector that can intervene early and address root causes of homelessness.  It was another opportunity to present The Greens case for a fairer, more equitable society.

Early February presented another opportunity to stand up for our wetlands at the 13th annual Wetlands Conference at Cockburn Wetlands Centre. I was met with cheers when I announced my intention to call for an audit into environmental offsets in the next term of Parliament. I was honoured with another favourable response to Greens ideas at the COTA WA forum the following week as 32% of seniors surveyed after my presentation said they favoured The Greens above the major parties on our policies for seniors. Ive also participated in pre-election forums for the planning, transport and renewable energy sectors.

This is just a small taster of the things I have been up to. The campaign has certainly pushed things up a gear (or five) for me, my team and the wider Green 17 team across the state. Weve been working hard to ensure we get as many Greens into Parliament as possible after 11 March so we can continue to hold whoever is in power to account and to stand up for the rights of the environment – and all people. 

Header photo: Lynn being interviewed by Channel 7 at Malvolio Road in Coolbellup on 12 January. Jamnes Daneberg

Text Photos: Lynn with Greens candidate for Fremantle Martin Spencer at Beeliar Wetlands protest and with Greens candidate for Rockingham James Mumme at the COTA WA forum. Lynn MacLaren