Lynn’s Page


Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC

The fight against Roe 8 has dominated the lead-up to Christmas for me, my team, Greens members and supporters and hundreds of incredulous residents from across the region, as the Barnett Government started preliminary works on the unpopular project a fortnight ago.

Those who oppose the ill-planned road to nowhere have made the pilgrimage to the Beeliar Wetlands and surrounds each day, descending in their hundreds on Malvolio Road in Coolbellup in particular, demanding that their message of objection be received.

Ive spent many a morning these past two weeks alongside hundreds of peaceful protestors at the Beeliar Wetlands and surrounds. The atmosphere on each occasion has been tense, largely due to the huge police presence, but flavoured with a steely sense of determination from the families who oppose the destruction of one of our most precious places.

During the first week of peaceful protests, Beeliar Wetlands Traditional Owners met with a Government anthropologist to discuss the potential for collection of artefacts, moving forward. My office released a video explaining the Governments failings in this area, which helped to get the message out on social media.

It was not the first time during this period that the community had stood up for our wetlands. In October, as if in some sort of premonition of what was to come, hundreds gathered on the steps of Parliament House, to voice their opposition to the escalating destruction en masse of our wetlands at the hands of the Barnett Government. Triggered by yet another Liberal plan to destroy a precious place – this time Eric Singleton Reserve in Bayswater – we Greens made an impassioned plea for greater protection for wetlands against development, more resources for the Department of Parks and Wildlife and better collaboration between the Environment Minister and the community.

We will keep fighting for our wetlands, as we approach the March election and beyond.

Meanwhile, the campaign is quickly gaining momentum, with our excellent Greens volunteers regularly out in neighbourhoods across the region and on the phones, speaking to the community about their concerns. It was great to have Richard Di Natale and senators Lee Rhiannon, Mehreen Faruqi, Janet Rice, Nick McKim and Peter Whish-Wilson here in Perth for the Australian Greens National Conference at the end of November. The visitors, along with Senator Rachel Siewert and I, had great fun putting some of our favourite things up for auction at the Pretty in Green event at the new City of Perth Library, to raise funds for the campaign. My chosen item was my beloved shark hat, which certainly helped me stand out from the crowd at 2013s Pride Parade.

Speaking of Pride, I had a fantastic evening marching with more than 85 Greens members and supporters at this years Parade at the end of November. In keeping with the parades theme #LoveWins, we flew the flags of some of the countries who have achieved marriage equality and danced along William Street to some bouncing dance music. It was fantastic fun and we certainly made an impact!

This years theme certainly resonated with me – and with my partner Sarah – as we had recently returned from San Francisco, where we were married. We had hoped to marry in Australia once we achieved marriage equality here, but time was not on our side.

The beginning of summer is my favourite time of year for many reasons, but one of the highlights for me is presenting end-of-year awards at schools within my electorate. So far this year, Ive been warmly welcomed to the South Fremantle Senior High School Year 12 graduation celebration and Year 6 graduations at Fremantle and Hilton primary schools.

Wishing all a merry and safe Christmas and a happy new year. See you in 2017!

Photos: Lynn at Beeliar wetlands protest. Lynn Maclaren And in text, Lynn in shark hat at 2013 Pride Parade.