
our movement keeps growing 

By Vic Greens Campaign Team 


Exciting news: we’ve just elected our 29th Greens Councillor, Gavin Gamble, to Golden Plains Shire in Western Victoria!

That means we now have 38 Greens representatives elected across all levels of government in Victoria. Our movement is growing and we’re ready to win big this year.

Gavin is a former secondary school teacher and mayor at Golden Plains Shire, and an experienced councillor with an amazing track record pushing for a fairer, greener future and a more climate resilient society. We couldn’t be happier to welcome him back.

"Councillor Gav" was elected on countback on January 13th after the resignation of Lachlan Glen a few weeks after the initial council election:

"I feel my initial loss and subsequent surprise re-election is an amazing opportunity to 'seize the day' ... a second chance. I will endeavour to make the most of the recount reprieve by being a solid, respectful, persistent, proactive, progressive voice on Council. Whilst there are some difficult personalities, it is a new group and dynamic, so I’m optimistic.

"Someone mentioned to me that local government is like Survivor: all about alliances, but often more crazy I reckon… I’ll have to rewatch as I’m more of an Alone type person.

"I’m grateful to be back in the chamber and able to utilise my accumulated learnings (local government is a complex organism). Big priorities in Golden Plains for me are climate consequences, biodiversity loss, community infrastructure deficiencies, and a big disconnect between many residents and the Council.
" - Gavin Gamble

Greens in the regions continue to thrive. Against the odds, in the last local government elections we won in rural areas of Victoria - like Campaspe and Bass Coast - for the first time.

And our amazing team of Greens Councillors are already driving the change we need: pushing to keep housing land in public ownership, to create new parks, bring down toxic emissions, fight for equality, and protect our local environment.

The environment and our communities across Victoria are in good hands with local legends speaking up for people and planet.

