Pitching in


Jack Carnegie

My name is Jack, and while I probably haven't met you in person, it's likely that we have a lot in common. When I read the headlines and listen to the news every day, it's hard not to feel disempowered and even angry about the kind of things that are being done, and said, in our name. Whether it's smoking cigars on budget night, or stating that 'poorest people…don't have cars' and 'people do have a right to be bigots', or trying to junk renewables, or endangering the Great Barrier Reef, we hear and see so much heartless and out-of-touch behaviour from this Abbott Government.The scary thing is, these people are making budgetary and policy decisions that will have long-lasting and devastating impacts for so many Australians. But there is something we can do — join Team 2016.

We are a growing movement within the Greens that will provide a strong foundation for the party between now and the next federal election. I've been on this planet for 66 years. I've lived through the reign of Australia's longest serving conservative Prime Minister, Robert Menzies. As a young person in 1968, I joined thousands of protesters against the Vietnam War. And more recently I've joined Australians from all walks of life in the Bust the Budget rallies

I've always believed it's important to live by, and stand up for, what I believe in. I was a founding member of the Greens (NSW) more than 30 years ago. I got involved because I believed in what was to become our four core principles: ecological sustainability, grassroots participatory democracy, social justice and peace and nonviolence. I remain involved because, now, more than ever, Australia needs a strong, alternative party that stands up for what matters — for our young unemployed, our tertiary students, our pensioners, our working families, for those who seek our protection and for the environment that sustains us all.

We Greens aren't looking for a populist headline and we're not looking out for our wealthy mates. We're working day in, day out for a more sustainable, compassionate and fairer Australia where everyone can access the services they need and where everyone is treated with equality and fairness. Our growing movement is driven by people power. It's driven by people just like you and me. And although the 2016 federal election may seem like a long way away, I've become a part of Team 2016 and I really hope you will join me. This year, we have a target of 2,000 foundation donors to Team 2016. Already, more than 860 people have signed up. But we must raise $60,000 before September 30.

Please will you join Team 2016 by sending your gift today?

The money we raise will buy doorknocking kits for volunteers around the country, so they can have one-on-one conversations with people in their community, help us promote campaigns such as Bust the Budget on Facebook — reaching a targeted audience of up to 250,000 and produce campaign materials including advertising, billboards and leaflets that promote our Green message on key issues — and these are just some of the powerful tools we can use to change our future.

I know it's easy to feel despondent in times like these. But it's also times like these when we really need to pull together. Like you I'm sure, I'm proud to be a Greens supporter and member, standing up for a clean economy, caring society and healthy environment — principles that take their inspiration from the core beliefs that drew me to the party more than 30 years ago. I hope you will join me as a foundation donor to Team 2016.

With warm regards, Jack Carnegie,
Team 2016 Founding Donor.