From the Policy Committee


This year, committee members have undertaken an incredible amount of work in reviewing scores of Australian Greens’ policies.

By Catherine Garner

This year the work of the Policy Coordinating Committee has been focused on the policy review. Undertaking a comprehensive review of more than forty-five policies in nine months is a mammoth undertaking. The committee worked hard to design a process that built in multiple rounds of consultation and feedback in order to ensure that as many members as possible had the opportunity to make comment on policy. Despite a short time frame, an entirely volunteer committee and more than one state election the process is proceeding to schedule. All states have worked hard to run comprehensive consultation and feedback processes, which is a credit to the commitment of committee delegates. The committee is confident that it will be able to present a full suite of reviewed policies to National Conference for ratification.

The committee has been working with a spirit of collaboration and good humour that is a testament to the values of consensus decision-making that we share. States sharing documents to support consultation processes and committee members staying online to chat about the football after meetings are just a couple of examples of the collegiality shared.

It is not possible to overstate the incredible amount of work done by all committee members. With proposed amendments numbering into the hundreds for each round the dedication to providing as much feedback as each state can offer is admirable. It continues to be a great pleasure to work with such dedicated individuals without whom this committee could not function.

  • Catherine Garner                                       National Policy Coordinator
  • Emily English, Colin Jacobs                      Party Room representative
  • Georgia Webster                                       Party Room representative
  • Adrienne Farago                                       NT delegate
  • Scott Thomson, Geoff O'Connell             QLD delegate
  • Patrick Tobin                                             ACT delegate
  • Sylvia Hale                                                 NSW delegate
  • Mark Cooper                                              WA delegate
  • Rod Swift                                                   VIC delegate
  • Matt Fisher                                                 SA delegate
  • Dave Abbott, Scott Jordan                       TAS delegate

If you are interested in getting involved in the policy review process you can contact your state delegate or the AGPCC convenor directly at