Rachel's Page


Senator Rachel Siewert

October and November are particularly intensive with parliamentary sitting weeks so the most of our work has come out of Canberra over the last two months however we still managed to squeeze in some excellent events and campaigns in WA that engaged the community, volunteers and members whilst raising awareness on our key issues.

The Unity Picnic was a fantastic event at Hyde Park that saw the Greens and multicultural groups and communities come together for a day of fun and harmony. Following a Trump election and Senator Hansons racist remarks fuelling hate, many groups including Muslim, Hazara, Bengali, South Sudanese, African and Vietnamese came together to celebrate our strengths as a diverse community. It was fantastic to chat and eat alongside communities that are feeling particularly under attack at the moment.

We also stuck up for vulnerable Australians that are feeling under attack from the Government as social security payments are eroded. We showcased a seven piece photo essay of people accessing income support, it gave a voice and face to people that the Government has tried to make invisible and vilify. The project was called 'Humans on Centrelink and told peoples personal experiences, similar to the 'Humans of New York concept. We had fantastic feedback about this project that we did in collaboration with the very talented photographer Jacqueline Jane. We also had a fantastic turnout for the Greens Pride parade float and Pretty in Green event, which pulled together Greens MPs and members for a night under the stars at the stunning City of Perth library.

In October Senate estimates, we learned that being able to get through to Centrelink continues to worsen. Busy signals when trying to dial through to Centrelink increased to 29 million for 2015-16, up from 22 million the previous year. We also learned that the 'confidential report that the Government was using to spruik the cashless welfare card to media did not actually exist. It did appear a week and a half later though, and was filled with premature and anecdotal evidence designed to position the card as working successfully before the trials have been completed.

We raised concerns about the Youth Jobs PATH legislation – our dissenting report pointed to evidence from overseas that Government internship programs can result in churn, exploitation, and erosion of workers rights.  We also recommended the mobility allowance bill not pass in the senate, this legislation sought to erode transport funding for people with disability that are working, looking for work, and volunteering, amongst other things. Of all the things this Government could make savings on, why take away transport from someone with disability who might want to volunteer so they can participate and engage in their community? Surely there are better ways to make savings or raise revenue?

Thanks to the awesome hard work of the Community Affairs References Committee, three important reports were tabled in the Senate during the final sitting week. One investigated Lyme-like disease in Australia, one investigated the medical complaints system and bullying and harassment in the medical field, and one investigated the indefinite detention of people with cognitive and intellectual impairment. Many people would struggle to reconcile that people can be and are being indefinitely detained in our prisons because they have a disability and there are no alternatives for them, but that is a reality in Australia at the moment. The committee has made recommendations that include legislative reform, collecting national data, which currently doesnt exist, screening people when they first make contact with the criminal justice system and of people already in prison, early intervention services and addressing hearing problems. We need more supported accommodation and more therapeutic care.

My team and I have spent two full days planning 2017 and I have to say I am looking forward to some rest over Christmas and then getting stuck back in!

I would like to extend a final thank you to everyone who contributed to Scott and I being re-elected this year. I hope you have a fruitful and well rested festive season and a Happy New Year  ̶  before we get stuck in once again to the State election.

Photos: Unity Picnic (Jacqueline Jane); and in text, Pride Parade (photos by various)