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Senator Rachel Siewert

That last week in Parliament debating the Senate Reform legislation now seems so long ago when reality it was really only a couple of weeks ago. So much has changed since then.

We have certainly been given an adrenaline shot with Malcolm Turnbull announcing that the budget would be brought forward and that he would be calling back Parliament in April to debate the ABCC bill. His threats that if the bill is not passed, we will be going to a Double Dissolution election has meant that we are redoubling our efforts to be ready.

With this likelihood of a DD more real than ever we have been hard at work preparing.  It has been fantastic to have Andrew Beaton take on the campaign manager role for the election period – we are in safe hands and he is doing a fantastic job already.

Despite the excitement of an early election swirling around, my team and I have been hard at work on the issues that matter to you in my portfolio areas. Over the last two months we spent five weeks in Canberra. The Australian Greens (in particular Lee Rhiannon and Richard Di Natale) achieved senate voting reform to end backroom preference deals. I am so proud that this election every Australian voter will get to decide exactly where their vote ends up. It was tough-going listening to the abuse hurled around the chamber, but we stood strong and refused to be bullied by the ALP.

I have continued campaigning hard on the cashless welfare card trials – unfortunately they have now begun in Ceduna, will roll-out soon in the East Kimberley, and are currently proposed for Geraldton. Whilst on the trial, people on income support will only be able to get 20 per cent of their payments in cash. The rest can only be used on the card, which means it can only be used at stores or supermarkets where credit or debit cards are accepted. I wrote a letter to Malcolm Turnbull asking for him to explain major concerns with the rollout of the card; I also lodged a disallowance motion that, if supported, would have stopped the trial in Ceduna going ahead. It was knocked back by the major parties. I have visited Geraldton to talk to NGOs and service deliverers about what the card meant and will hold a public meeting this week. There is strong opposition in Geraldton and our campaign is getting a lot of support.

Ive continued our vital work on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples issues, I tabled a petition in the Senate calling on Malcolm Turnbull to rebuke Alan Jones – who used his media profile to call for another Stolen Generation. The anguish caused to our First Peoples through such abhorrent remarks should never go unchallenged. The long awaited senate committee report on the chaotic rollout of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy that I initiated was tabled, focussing attention on the flawed process and cut back in supports and services. In the lead up to the Prime Ministers annual Closing the Gap statement, I wrote to him urging genuine action on reducing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage whilst urging for a shift towards sovereignty and treaties in the national discussion on Reconciliation. There is a growing a call for sovereignty and treaties and Im very keen to push that debate.

During February sitting weeks it was revealed that a number of offshore petroleum titles in marine parks had been deemed invalid following a major administrative error that occurred between 2008 and 2015. Despite the Greens opposition, the ALP and Coalition moved to support legislation that fixed the bureaucratic blunder. It was disappointing that both parties silenced a conversation about why oil lease renewals in marine parks were allowed without environmental approval.

Over the last few months we have begun launching our excellent candidates for lower house seats; it was great to launch Tim Clifford for Perth, Kate Davis for Fremantle, Viv Glance for Curtin, Sarah Neilsen-Harvey for Swan and more. I am excited to work alongside intelligent and committed candidates who believe in a brighter, kinder and more sustainable Western Australia. I hope to see you all this election year in one capacity or another!

Photo: Tim Cliffords launch as candidate for Perth. Nadine Walker