Reflections of a councillor


Cliff Collinson

Can you start with a few snapshots of East Fremantle Council?

Well, its small: 4000 electors represented by eight councillors plus the mayor, so its easy for a candidate to doorknock every house in the ward. Plenty of Liberals and pro-business sentiment, but also very good on environmental concern (we love our trees). I appreciate the fact that I can get agreement on my proposals from several councillors who certainly dont vote Green. Theres a very high level of community satisfaction with the council and we were probably the most united in opposing the amalgamations.

What prompted you to stand for council ten years ago?

The possibility of being a councillor suited my lifestyle, as at that time I was moving to part-time work, and so I could comfortably devote enough time and energy to be an effective councillor. However, the main motivation was that being on the council would allow me to put my Greens values and policy ideas into action ‒ right here in the part of Perth I know very well. Ive always liked being part of community organisations, so this was an attractive next step.

Can you give an example of principles into action?

I think it was either at my very first or second meeting that I proposed that East Fremantle Council meetings should begin with a Welcome to Country. Its something I value highly, but it wasnt common in local government at that time. To my surprise and joy, it sailed though.

Great start! What are some other green-inspired successes?

Getting solar panels on council buildings, making East Fremantle a Fair Trade Council, divestment from fossil fuels, opposing Roe 8, achieving an agreement with local businesses to ban plastic bags. I didnt initiate all these things, but I was actively involved.

How much time do you devote to being a councillor?

It probably averages around 15 hours a week – maybe a bit more if local people stop me in the street to raise issues! As well as responding to individual and community group concerns, theres preparing for and attending the weekly council meetings and other zone meetings, plus of course, my involvement in the SMRC Waste Recycling initiative.

I recall that youve spoken about the SMRC at Fremantle Greens meetings. Why is this so important to you?

Reducing waste going to landfill, recycling, composting: these are all local applications of our Greens pillar of Environmentally Sustainable Development. Its a classic “rubber hits the road” in terms of putting principles into real local action. In the 1990s there was almost nothing going on, so weve come a long way and pioneered several things. Were about to launch our “three bins per household” initiative, which will include a bright green bin-lid for compost materials. I particularly like the education component of this role, for example raising awareness through the Recycle Right website.

What would you say are the key qualities you need to be an effective councillor?

Definitely being able to build relationships with people – obviously the people you represent, but also the other councillors. If you cant get along with them, then you cant get things done. Most have different political values to mine, but we have to work on cooperating. Im always happily surprised at the way that I can get other councillors alongside for my proposals – even the most “green-heavy” ones. You have to keep working on the relationships, searching for common ground, being prepared to give and take.

So, why the sudden interest in being mayor?

Indeed, when alls said and done, the mayor has only one vote, but the position does offer more opportunities to take a lead, be the major spokesperson for council, get media access. After ten years, its a nice change …. as long as the voters agree!!

What are your thoughts on party involvement in local government?

As I said, the reason Im enthusiastic about local council is the opportunity to put my Green principles into action. And I think there should be more time given for Greens who are councillors to meet and discuss ideas, share experiences – this would be particularly useful for new councillors. However, while Im quite open about my membership of the Greens, Im definitely not an endorsed Greens candidate. Of course, Im very pleased if my Green friends assist the campaign.

Which reminds me, Rob, were doorkocking in a couple of weeks. I dont suppose you could…?

Photo: Cliff Collinson – he loves hiking. Liz Schultink