Richard's National Press Club speech


If this election is about one thing, it must be about who has the courage to stand up to the big polluters and take the necessary action to prevent catastrophic global warming and to transition our economy away from those industries that brought us prosperity over the last century but won't deliver us future prosperity going into the this century.

- Richard Di Natale

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When I took on the leadership of the Australian Greens almost a year ago, I said that unless we tackle dangerous global warming everything else is background noise.

Today I want  to reiterate that call, reiterate that call after some alarming scenes have played out across our national landscapes and indeed, around the world.

If this election is about one thing, it must be about who has the courage to stand up to the big polluters and take the necessary action to prevent catastrophic global warming and to transition our economy away from those industries that brought us prosperity over the last century but won't deliver us future prosperity going into the this century.

The good news is that the Greens have been the political disruptions, the innovators in Australian politics. 

We have a great plan to tackle global warming and to help create the new economy, an economy driven by clean energy.

Now more than ever is the time for some courage and vision in Australian politics.

Watch the full speech