Robin Chapple's June Update


Robin Chapple

The last few weeks getting back into the swing of Parliament have been an absolute blur, but weve managed to get a whole lot done so far. Ive been pressing the new Labor government using parliamentary questions on a number of issues including Aboriginal Heritage, uranium, fracking, industry on the Burrup peninsula, mining regulations and the environment and weve been working with a long list of stakeholders from around the Mining and Pastoral Region to develop an extensive list of questions to ask into the future!! For more information, see What we've been asking in parliment. 

My office has also been very busy planning our strategy and major campaigns, starting with 'Home is Heritage. Last week I reintroduced my bill to protect remote communities (The Prevention of Forced Closures of Remote Communities Bill 2017) which will enshrine in legislation the right of Aboriginal people to live on country, and an equality of access to basic, government and essential services. I also introduced a motion for all parties to outline their positions on the social, environmental and economic measures they would introduce to mitigate the damaging effects of climate change in Western Australia, which will be brought on for debate during the next sitting week – definitely one to watch!

Weve also been really busy catching up with important stakeholders who were going to be working with over the next four years. Weve been working very closely with the Conservation Council on building up strong campaigns against uranium, and in conjunction with the Wilderness Society on fracking. Weve met with the Kimberley Land Council on a broad range of issues affecting the region, and with Nyoongar elders to discuss heritage concerns at Mundee Swamp and on Wadjamup (Rottnest Island). Next week Im heading up to Broome with Rachel for further roundtable discussions on the cashless welfare card trials, to catch up with Environs Kimberley and to address ongoing concerns with representative Aboriginal groups on uncertainty surrounding remote communities.

Im really looking forward to filling you in more about our upcoming campaigns – until then please keep an eye on my Facebook page for regular updates!!

Photo: Robin being sworn into the new parliament with WA Governor H.E. Kerry Sanderson.