Robin Chapple’s Update


Hon Robin Chapple MLC

All Greens Members and Supporters know that I am passionate about the right to die with dignity, and the people of Western Australia and Australia have shown that they feel the same way. If I get another chance in the next term of Government, I will re-introduce legislation to give terminally ill patients freedom of choice at the end of their life. It is my sincerest hope that this can be a cross-party piece of legislation, and I am proud to have worked so far with both Alannah MacTiernan and Tony Simpson MLA on this issue.

I am fighting to protect our world class precious places to ensure that future generations of Australians can visit and experience our countrys beauty and culture. From Ningaloo Reef out to the incredible gorges of Karijini and Karlamilyi National Parks, rock art on the Burrup Peninsula, beautiful white tropical beaches along our North West Coast and the unique landscapes of the Kimberley  ̶  the Mining and Pastoral region of WA is full of natural beauty that is a drawcard for Australians and visitors from overseas.

Sadly, over the last eight years we have seen a plethora of bad environmental decisions from the Barnett government.

The Burrup Peninsula has rock art as old as 30,000 years and some of the earliest known depictions of the human face. It's the worlds oldest and largest art gallery, kept alive by perfect environmental conditions. It is one of the most precious places in WA, and it virtually has no protection. I will always stand for the Burrup and fight for World Heritage Protection, in and out of Parliament.

The Barnett Government has ignored the advice of its environmental watchdog by approving uranium mining in WA. I don't have much faith in the EPA, but it speaks volumes about the intentions of the Liberal-National Government that on the rare occasion a sound environmental decision is made they over-ride them anyway.

How can an industry with no foreseeable economic potential, no social license to operate and rejection on environmental grounds by WA's environmental watchdog 'magically' create 1,500 jobs?

This Liberal-National Government is trying their hardest to mislead you with empty, unfounded promises. This is a hollow mans victory and a box-ticking exercise for Colin Barnett. No financial institution will ever back a development based on past, present or future uranium price projections and there has never been a social license for uranium mining, or waste storage, in WA.

To over-ride the EPA's rejection on this project on 'economic and social grounds' is sheer arrogance from the Liberal-National Government.

The Liberal-National Government holds the same view with fracking. The Greens (WA) have never supported fracking or the development of large scale onshore gas in WA. We support total veto right for landholders, including traditional owners. We stand with Micklo against fracking in the Kimberley, and any other groups across WA who do not want this invasive practice in their communities.

My election commitments against fracking are: no onshore gas development in WA, conventional or unconventional; full rights to all landholders to oppose and/or veto the intrusion of gas extractive industries onto their property; and Governments should not even be entertaining the idea when there is so much community opposition – this is about more than just environmental and health issues, it is about what communities view as acceptable. We stand with all communities across WA who have voted to oppose development, and support their autonomy 100 per cent.

Climate scepticism has no place in WA politics; indeed anywhere! Barnett's Liberal-National Government has continued to shy away from the responsibility on tackling climate change at a state level, despite the last three years each being the hottest on record. When you read this you wonder what responsibility the climate deniers of PHON party will accept for encouraging disbelief in science. As Dr Karl once said to me it is not a case of believing or not believing in Climate Change, its about comprehending science.

Preference One Nation last, every time. It's easy to hate but it takes real courage to stand up for others in the face of it. Australia is a proudly multicultural society; The Greens will never support the politics of hate and division.

The Greens (WA) have a real plan to transition WA to 100% renewable energy and create 150,000 jobs in the process! With so much potential for large scale solar in the Mining and Pastoral region, many of those transition jobs would come to regional WA first

For the Kimberley, this is essential. We have the sun and people up here have the will, but our progress is limited by the capacity of our system.

We need to put pressure on Horizon Power to fast track their update of our system and install smart meters. There's a review of Horizon take-or-pay gas contracts in 2021 for Broome, Halls Creek, Derby and Fitzroy Crossing  ̶  we will be pushing hard for a reduction or an end to these contracts so that greater solar uptake can occur!

Im extremely disappointed that the Member for Pilbara has thrown his support behind a trial of the Federal Governments cashless welfare card in Port Hedland, without any hard evidence to back its success in other areas. Can the effectiveness of a cashless welfare card be properly tested if there is no simultaneous investment into other front-line support services?

Evidence from the NT intervention suggests income management does nothing to address social problems, whilst wraparound support and education services are vital.

Working out in the desert, I've had a few close encounters with wildfires. They move incredibly fast through dry brush and spinifex, they can be on top of you in no time at all. I've had to make detours over rail lines and drive through the fire front to get to safety on more than a few occasions.

We know these kind of damaging fire events will become more frequent as our climate warms, making life in rural and regional Australia even more difficult. The Greens are committed to lobbying for a fully independent rural bushfire service.

We're still dedicated to ensuring that regional services reform does not mean people will be forced to move away from their communities and country. The Greens (WA) want to see a real improvement to Aboriginal health and education without compromising culture or rights. This needs our support as does the Indigenous Ranger program.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the end of the campaign trail and I wish everyone all the best.

Robin Chapple

find out more about Robin Chapple

Photo: The Burrup Peninsular. Connor Slight