Robin’s page


Hon Robin Chapple MLC

Last month, as part of our Home is Heritage campaign, I tabled a draft of my Prevention of Forced Closure of Remote Aboriginal Communities Bill 2016. The bill seeks to prevent forced community closures and enable residents to contest closures which take place without their permission. The draft is now out for public comment, and I am particularly seeking feedback from residents of remote communities. Feedback can be sent to

Home is Heritage is also gaining traction in mainstream media, featuring on Buzzfeed and with more publishers lined up to share the campaign in the near future. We have begun to work with award-winning photographer Ingetje Tadros, whose photographs of remote communities gained the attention of Hugh Jackman. We are also working with up and coming coalitions working on the issue of Indigenous disadvantage. Stay tuned!

Last week Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale, Senator Rachel Siewert and Durack candidate Ian James joined me in Broome to host a public forum to present our Kimberley vision for the federal election. Some of the most important issues raised were concerning the energy future for the greater Kimberley region, sustainable land use with a particular focus on the controversial practice of gas fracking and growing social inequality within the region. The evening also served as an official campaign launch for Ian James, who spoke passionately to the crowd about living through drought and waking up to the reality that a healthy environment is critical to a healthy society.

The trip also included a flight out to One Arm Point to see the work the Bardi Jawi Rangers are doing on country. It was here that Rachel and Richard announced the Greens were committed to doubling the current funding available to the national Indigenous Ranger's program and providing certainty for the program into the future. We also took time to visit Yawuru man Micklo Corpus and show support for his anti-fracking campaign against Buru Energy, who plan to drill up to 10,000 wells in the Canning Basin just 70 km east of Broome.

Photo: At One Arm Point with Ian James, Micklo Corpus, Richard and Rachel From Robins Facebook page