WA Local Government Campaign Update



On October 21st, Western Australia has its local government election and some new things are happening this time!

After a series of reforms this election will be the first time that WA has preferential voting at its local elections, bringing to an end the decades of first past the post voting. 

Not everything is perfect however and our state is one of the few that still does not have compulsory voting at local government and it has had dire consequences. 

Last election 75% of eligible West Australins didn’t return their ballout and it’s evident in our council chambers. We have a constituency of nearly exclusively property developers, corporate landlords and the ultrawealthy. 

Two Greens candidates are challenging this broken system in 2023. 

Sophie Greer is running for the City of Vincent South Ward 

Hello, I'm Sophie Greer, your local Greens candidate for City of Vincent South Ward!

I have lived and worked in our community for nearly a decade. I work in community organising, with my formal training in Public Health.

Together, we have the power to build the culture of our community and address the challenges that unite us. 

I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with our community to find ways to use our collective resources to improve the services our council offers to help relieve the cost-of-living pressures we’re experiencing.

Isabella Tripp is running for the City of Perth 

Hello, I’m Isabella Tripp, your local Greens candidate for the City of Perth! I am excited about the opportunity to get to work tackling the issues that face all of us.

I live in East Perth, work in West Perth and feel deeply connected to this city we call home. 

Local government has a vital role providing support and care to our community during the tough times so many are facing. Many in our area are facing rental stress, struggling to keep up with the cost of living or working hard to raise their families in a place that is becoming more and more expensive.

Isabella and Sophie aren’t just running great local campaigns but also pushing back on a broken system that has led to one of the most undemocratic voting systems in the country. So far they have knocked on thousands of doors with a goal not just to win but raise the turnout and make our city governance more reflective of the people it’s supposed to be helping.

You can follow along their campaigns on Instagram at @Sophie4SouthWard and @Isabella4Perth

We wish all Greens members across the state the best of luck with their campaigns for a more progressive council!