Through the work of the International Development Committee (IDC), the Australian Greens are committed to supporting women to thrive in Green parties around the world.
By Rachana Shrestha
The Asia Pacific Greens Federation Women's Network (APGFWN) is a gathering of all women who are guided by the founding Greens principles.
With members from across the Asia Pacific region, the APGFWN was established in November 2015 and annually elects a convenor, secretary and treasurer.
The network brings together women from across the Asia Pacific that are working for the betterment of our future and our planet. As these women face united and unique difficulties in their own countries and cultures, the APGFWN was formed to encourage, develop, mentor and inspire each other.
Reflecting the diversity of the Asia Pacific region, our 28 members come from 13 different countries – including Australia, New Zealand, India, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Fiji and the Philippines.
The goals of the APGFWN are to:
- Support women
- Share leadership roles
- Empower and build capacity
- Participate in political activities.
The APGFWN meets every month via social media to discuss the progress, challenges, limitations, needs and current political situations in member countries.
An important toolkit
The APGFWN is currently prioritising two projects, which is made possible by the support and work of the Australian Greens' International Development Committee (IDC).
The APGFWN is developing a Gender Equity Toolkit, which Asia Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) member parties are invited to adopt. The toolkit will provide a range of resources parties can use to increase women’s involvement and leadership in their parties, and to encourage more women to stand as candidates.
The expected outcome of this project is a commitment from Green parties to increase women’s participation, both in their own party and in the APGF.
Mentorship for the future
Secondly, the Mentorship Program is a special chance to learn more from Green women leaders around the world to develop knowledge and skills in politics, campaigns and organising. It helps to connect mentors with their mentee, to empower women from Asia Pacific countries, and learn from other mentors from various countries around the world.
We started this project in its live phase in March, where six pairs of established Green leaders mentored six pairs of emerging Asia Pacific region Green leaders. They guided them through their life purpose, goals and Green structures for a period of six months.
Online empowerment
Additionally, the APGFWN webinars are part of a project we share with the Australian Greens’ IDC. Exploring different topics related to empowerment and the environment, they are currently monthly and will continue next year every two months.
The webinars aim to inspire and motivate women involved in Green parties from all around the world, inviting them to share their experiences and knowledge.
So far this year we have had five guests speaking on the following topics:
Margaret Blakers (13 March): Empowering women in the Greens: global to local, parties and politicians;
Vesna Jusup (23rd May): The ‘walking the walk’ mechanism for supporting the women in Green parties;
Metiria Turei (June 10): Promoting women's participation or ways to increase the presence and visibility of women in Green parties;
Ms. Meth H. Jimenez (July 25): Combating climate change is fighting for women's rights; and
Clare Dubois (August 15th): Tree sisters: Women standing for the forests.
Women from the Australian Greens are also invited to participate in the webinars.
September webinar
The next webinar in the series features environmental and social activist Catherine Delahunty speaking on Women and Water. Held on September 24 at 6am UTC (4pm AEST), Catherine will discuss:
- How campaigning for water is a natural leadership role for women;
- How water campaigning is relationship building;
- Strategies around supporting Indigenous women water activists and the role of the ally;
- Stories of women campaigners she has worked with; and
- How we can strengthen water campaigns from different skillsets and perspectives as women committed to system change.
Please click here to access the webinar, or visit the APGFWN Facebook page and website for updates and details.
Rachana Shrestha is the Secretary of the Nepali Green Party and an APGFWN mentee.