WA calling


Andrew Beaton

­During the Federal election and up to our latest door knock, weve been talking with voters across the state to ask w­­­hat issues are important to them. We know there are so many problems in our society, and with our limited resourses we must choose where we focus our campaigning efforts. 

After many conversations and analyses of data, weve come up with a short list of our most important, first-tier issues for the 11 March 2017 State Election. Working together we can elect more Greens representatives to Parliament at this crucial time in our history.

Were excited to be campaigning for a Renewable Energy Industry that will provide tens of thousands of jobs as well as confront the worst effects of climate change. 

We'll stand with our community to protect our precious places now and for future generations.

Well promote our plan to adapt to the impacts of climate change by increasing our readiness to tackle bushfires and extreme weather.

Well celebrate our diversity and stand against anyone seeking to divide our community based on ethnicity or religion solely for their own gain.

Well take back the power from energy companies, by encouraging the battery storage industry and the take-up of household solar, giving us greater control over our electricity bills.

Well tackle the drug crisis with measures based on evidence, that keep people safe and healthy.

Well work hard to clean up the corrupting influence of Big Business donations on our democracy.

Well help make it easier for people to buy their own homes or find quality rental accommodation.

Weve come this far through the support weve received from committed people like you. For us to run the amazing campaign outlined above it will take a huge effort, and with your help well win the votes needed to put our crucial measures in place. You can help us create history.

This State election will be the first in Australia since the election of Donald Trump and the rise of the Alt-Right parties and their divisive ideology. With your support, we can ensure well meet all our important, first-tier campaign goals. We can protect our precious places and the natural environment, address the effects of climate change, drive a new approach to substance abuse, transition Western Australia to a clean economy, clean up the corrupting influence of corporate donations, make sure all Western Australians have a home and promote and celebrate our multicultural values.

Here in WA we'll need people to have conversations with voters across the state, at their doors, on the phones and via social media. We'll need office volunteers and thousands of people to staff pre-poll and election day polling booths. Across the country, you can help out with phoning voters in WA and talking to your friends who live here.

Lets make it happen.

Volunteer today