WA Voices from the Centre


Vivienne Glance

On the 20-21 May 2017, the Australian Greens National Conference was held in Alice Springs. The conference was held at the Alice Springs Youth Centre, at the southern base of Anzac Hill which was originally the Arrente women's Dreaming Hill.

This was a great opportunity to participate in the democratic process and visit the heart of Australia. Alice Springs is surrounded by spectacular country and the natural world always seems present, from the rich, red earth, the dry Todd River, the birds and insects soundscape and the scented gums.

During the conference we heard from representatives of the world's oldest living culture as they shared their lived experiences: the on-going effects of colonisation, the restrictions on their freedoms, and the trauma of dispossession and dislocation. But here in the Centre is where the Arrente, Walpiri, Pitjitjanjara and Luritja languages are still spoken and their culture practiced. On my first night I was honoured to be invited to a welcome to country given by Vincent Forrester, recent NT candidate, and to hear him share stories of country.  

This short video captures a snapshot of voices from our friends who attended as WA delegates. Hope to see you at the next conference in Hobart in November ‒ look out for further details.

Photo: Alice Springs from Anzac Hill.