A woman's place is in the House…


We're hugely proud of our policies on women but it's not enough to talk the talk.

We're also hugely proud that we have women across all levels of our Party, that we aim for gender equity in all pre-selections, that more than half of our National Council is female and that we have women in key executive roles across the country.

Here are just a few of the places we firmly believe to be a woman's place in 2017.

Running our national party…

Giz Watson, National Co-Convenor

Rebecca Galdies, National Secretary

Holly Kemp, Deputy National Convenor

Abigail Boyd, Deputy National Secretary

… and in the Senate…

Senator Larissa Waters

Senator Janet Rice

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Senator Rachel Siewert

Senator Lee Rhiannon

…and in the State Parliament…

Jenny Leong, NSW MP

Tamara Smith, NSW MP

Mehreen Faruqi, NSW MP

Dawn Walker, NSW MP

Nina Springle, Victorian MP

Ellen Sandell, Victorian MP

Sue Pennicuik, Victorian MP

Colleen Hartland, Victorian MP

Samantha Dunn, Victorian MP

Andrea Dawkins, Tasmanian MP

Cassy O'Connor, Tasmanian MP

Rosalie Woodruff, Tasmanian MP

Tammy Franks, South Australian MP

Lynn MacLaren, Western Australian MP

Caroline le Couteur, ACT MP

…and in the local Council…

Amanda Findlay, Mayor of Shoalhaven City Council, NSW

Katie Milne, Mayor of Tweed Shire Council, NSW

Samantha Ratnam, Mayor of Moreland Council, Victoria

Kim Le Cerf, Mayor of Darebin Council, Victoria

Samantha Jenkinson, Councillor for City of Stirling, WA

…and in the staff room…

Cate Faehrmann, Chief of Staff, Richard Di Natale

Jess McColl, Director of Campaigns and Communications

Clare Quinn, State Director, Australian Greens Victoria

Kitty Carra, State Director, Queensland Greens

Lesa de Leau, Acting State Executive, NSW

Rosanne Bersten. National Communications Coordinator

Susan Griffiths-Sussems, National Fundraising Coordinator