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Developer incentives fail to address root cause of housing crisis

15 June, 2023 - Commenting on the Minns Labor Government’s major planning and housing announcement today, the Greens are calling for a minimum 30% affordable ho...

Cost of demolishing public housing estate and privatising land revealed, as Greens urge rethink

15 June, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have condemned the Victorian Labor Government for its plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars demolishing public hous...

Building a stronger mental health system for Canberrans

15 June, 2023 - The ACT Government is committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of Canberrans. We are investing in services, outreach programs, ...

Parliamentary hearings into Modern Slavery Bill an important part of community conversation

14 June, 2023 - Today’s hearings into Jo Clay’s Modern Slavery Bill will continue the important community discussion about how the ACT should respond to modern ...

Government indicates it may ban gambling ads at Commonwealth Games

14 June, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed an indication by the Victorian Labor Government that it may ban gambling advertising at the Commonwealth Game...

Time for Federal Govt to follow States’ lead on early childhood education

13 June, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has called on the Federal Government to show leadership in the...

Traditional Owners’ call for Santos to clean up their act

13 June, 2023 - An unknown number of disused wells off the West Australian coast have been leaking gas for at least 10 years and are considered impossible to fi...

Greens introduce bill for Murdoch media Royal Commission

13 June, 2023 - A bill to establish a Royal Commission into the Murdoch media empire was introduced into the parliament today by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-You...

2023 Rural Resilience Grant recipients announced

13 June, 2023 - Twenty rural landholders in the ACT will share in $287,204 of ACT Government funding, designed to improve farm resilience to the changing climat...

New wind farm to help power an all-electric Canberra

13 June, 2023 - The Berrybank Stage 2 wind farm, located in Victoria’s Western Plains, is now in operation. Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reductio...

Parliament Friends of ME/CFS Launching Today!

13 June, 2023 - Today, the Parliamentary Friends of ME/CFS, co-chaired by Senator Jordon Steele-John and Maria Vamvakinou, will be launched today at an event in...

Greens demand stronger commitment to renter safeguards to ensure support for tax reforms

13 June, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said that in order to secure their support for tax reforms that are currently before Parliament, the Victorian Labor G...

Public housing residents face 'ruthless' intimidation by Labor, in a bid to scare them away

9 June, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have condemned the Victorian Labor Government for resorting to “ruthless” intimidation tactics in an effort to drive out the...

Rate rises mean more public subsidies for landlords

9 June, 2023 - The RBA’s string of 12 interest rate rises in 13 months will mean an additional $11 billion lost revenue for the Commonwealth budget, PBO figures...

Reforms to cancer scheme for firefighters fall short, Greens to move amendments

9 June, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said proposed reforms to the state’s presumptive cancer scheme for firefighters “fall short” of what the science demand...