18 November, 2021 - Featuring: Dr Sophie Lewis, Minister Shane Rattenbury MLA and Minister Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, and Tim Hollo Last night Dr Sophie Lewis, ACT...
18 November, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the findings of an inquiry into air pollution but say they ignore important health concerns raised by com...
17 November, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has today launched a new discussion paper, The University of the Future: Hig...
17 November, 2021 - Late last night the Modern Slavery Bill passed the NSW Upper House meaning it is one step closer to becoming law. Critical amendments that w...
17 November, 2021 - Claims by the McGowan Government that the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill is ‘the best in the nation’ is a blatant stretch of the truth wi...
17 November, 2021 - A design tender for Canberra’s residential treatment centre opens today, taking the ACT closer to more support and services for people with ...
16 November, 2021 - The Australian Greens have today announced their plan to make Telehealth a permanent part of our healthcare system, investing $772 million o...
16 November, 2021 - As Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan call for more coal before the ink on the Glasgow Climate Pact is even dry, the Greens have begun hitting t...
16 November, 2021 - Media Release
The Australian Greens have today announced their plan to make Telehealth a permanent part of our healthcare system, i...
16 November, 2021 - In May 2020 Greens amendments secured a presumptive right to workers compensation for frontline workers who contracted COVID when they were ...
16 November, 2021 - The ACT Government has today released nation leading guidance to help practitioners provide more supportive mental health services for trans...
16 November, 2021 - The parliamentary leaders of the Greens, the Reason Party and the Animal Justice Party have secured key improvements to the pandemic bill.&n...
15 November, 2021 - The Australian Greens condemn the move by the Meeting of Attorneys General (MAG) towards raising the age of legal responsibility from 10 to ...
15 November, 2021 - Following Labor Leader Anthony Albanese saying "Well, he's just making up numbers, of course" on Tasmania Talks with Mike O'Loughlin today, ...
15 November, 2021 - The Greens have said the next election will be a climate fight with the heat now on Liberal and Labor, after the Glasgow Climate Pact put co...