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US Marine Rotational Force must not go ahead in order to protect Territorians

26 May, 2020 - Tuesday, 26 May, 2020 Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has expressed deep concern that the United ...

Skills 'Overhaul' Without Free TAFE & New Funding Just Press Club Hot Air

26 May, 2020 - The Greens have said that the Coalition government can’t be trusted to rebuild our vocational education system or create jobs, ahead of the Prime...

Greens to push bill to extend JobKeeper & JobSeeker, invest in recovery

25 May, 2020 - With JobKeeper set for a $60b underspend, the Greens will introduce legislation to the Senate when Parliament resumes in June to extend JobSeeker...

As the axe nears on Manyana forest, protectors continue action

25 May, 2020 - The community of Manyana have reported work commencing on the site today, with credible reports of numerous breaches of the proponent’s DA condit...

It’s not too late to fix the donations mess

25 May, 2020 - With the decision handed down in the Celeste Barber donations case  today it’s clear immediate law reform is needed to make the record $52 m...

Public school solar batteries get fast tracked

25 May, 2020 - Public school solar batteries get fast tracked The ACT Government continues to build on its commitment to do the heavy lifting for the commu...

Protected bike lanes along Sydney Road are vital in the era of COVID-19 and cheap to build

25 May, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the state government to establish protected bike lanes along Sydney Road as part of a six-month trial, to hel...

Greens push to fix JobKeeper and ensure arts and entertainment workers not left in the cold

24 May, 2020 - The Greens are calling on Treasurer Frydenberg to stop being Team ‘Some’ Australians, and immediately expand the JobKeeper program to businesses ...

Statement from Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt on news that JobKeeper estimates are $60 billion off

22 May, 2020 - "Wow." "Now Scott Morrison has no excuse not to extend JobKeeper to all who need it, retain the new JobSeeker rate, give a Jobs and Income Guaran...

Australian Greens condemn attempts to ratchet up repression in Hong Kong

22 May, 2020 - The Australian Greens condemn the Chinese Government’s plans to enact sweeping new national security laws in Hong Kong, with Leader of the Austra...

No Excuse: Govt must fund casuals, arts and entertainment, after JobKeeper revised down

22 May, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is calling on Treasurer Frydenberg to immediately extend JobKeeper to workers who hav...

Greens to push for ICAC debate and vote when Parliament resumes

22 May, 2020 - Responding to today's reported deferral of legislation to enable a federal integrity commission, the Greens will push to bring on for debate and ...

Save Education And Jobs

22 May, 2020 - Given that the government now has $60 billion unspent in the JobKeeper program, Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi h...

Public and community housing upgraded with solar and sustainability improvements

22 May, 2020 - The ACT Government has allocated $365,000 to undertake solar and sustainability upgrades on public and community housing as part of the governmen...

New complaints process to help Canberra’s vulnerable

22 May, 2020 - The ACT Human Rights Commission (HRC) can now take complaints about abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable people in our community. The ...