26 May, 2020 - Tuesday, 26 May, 2020
Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has expressed deep concern that the United ...
26 May, 2020 - The Greens have said that the Coalition government can’t be trusted to rebuild our vocational education system or create jobs, ahead of the Prime...
25 May, 2020 - With JobKeeper set for a $60b underspend, the Greens will introduce legislation to the Senate when Parliament resumes in June to extend JobSeeker...
25 May, 2020 - The community of Manyana have reported work commencing on the site today, with credible reports of numerous breaches of the proponent’s DA condit...
25 May, 2020 - With the decision handed down in the Celeste Barber donations case today it’s clear immediate law reform is needed to make the record $52 m...
25 May, 2020 - Public school solar batteries get fast tracked
The ACT Government continues to build on its commitment to do the heavy lifting for the commu...
25 May, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the state government to establish protected bike lanes along Sydney Road as part of a six-month trial, to hel...
24 May, 2020 - The Greens are calling on Treasurer Frydenberg to stop being Team ‘Some’ Australians, and immediately expand the JobKeeper program to businesses ...
22 May, 2020 - "Wow."
"Now Scott Morrison has no excuse not to extend JobKeeper to all who need it, retain the new JobSeeker rate, give a Jobs and Income Guaran...
22 May, 2020 - The Australian Greens condemn the Chinese Government’s plans to enact sweeping new national security laws in Hong Kong, with Leader of the Austra...
22 May, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is calling on Treasurer Frydenberg to immediately extend JobKeeper to workers who hav...
22 May, 2020 - Responding to today's reported deferral of legislation to enable a federal integrity commission, the Greens will push to bring on for debate and ...
22 May, 2020 - Given that the government now has $60 billion unspent in the JobKeeper program, Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi h...
22 May, 2020 - The ACT Government has allocated $365,000 to undertake solar and sustainability upgrades on public and community housing as part of the governmen...
22 May, 2020 - The ACT Human Rights Commission (HRC) can now take complaints about abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable people in our community.
The ...