By Dominic WY Kanak and Andrew Morrison
Australian Greens International Co-Secretaries
The International Co-secretaries act as the international contact point for the Australian Greens and convene the Global Issues Group (GIG). GIG is a representative body with delegates from each member body and includes the Asia Pacific Greens Federation Councillors and a National Council representative. GIG monthly meetings throughout 2024 worked on a range of international concerns, as detailed below.
The occupation of Palestinian territories by Isreal, and the impacts of that occupation, has long been a concern for the Australian Greens. Since the Hamas attack and Israel’s invasion of Gaza last year, Palestine has become a much more urgent focus. GIG’s engagement in support of Palestine has included:
- Participation in regular APGF seminars hosted by the Palestine & Lebanon Greens. This included highlighting the Australian Greens responses and initiatives including calling for ceasefire, condemning war crimes, and ending arms exports to Isreal.
- Working with the office of Senator Steele-John to support APGF’s statement on Palestine and provide a letter of support from the Australian Greens.
- Engaging with States and community & activist groups to support and encourage solidarity rallies, forums, and other activities.
- Outreach to other Greens Parties.
- Working with the office of Senator Steele-John to formulate a position and guide discussion on the German Greens and whether to challenge their position on Palestine: our efforts are directed to more effective ways to support Palestine.
International Review
GIG worked with National Council members and representatives of the International Development Committee to look at ways of improving the Australian Greens international engagement. This was prompted by concerns about how different groups within the Australian Greens work together and how we engage with the Asia Pacific Greens Federation and Global Greens, ‘GG’, and the need to find more effective ways to work together. GIG played an active role in discussions and helped formulate a proposal to conduct a review of Australian Greens international work. This review will commence soon and is expected to provide lasting benefits by improving the ways we work together.
APGF Pacific Greens meeting
GIG provided support for the APGF Pacific Greens meeting held in Nadi, Fiji last June. This support included developing & running a selection process for Australian Delegates to the meeting, recommending a budget and arranging disbursement of funds, providing support to delegates, and arranging report backs. The meeting, including gender training, was a success and has energised participants including the Australian Delegates. It is expected to lead to continuing and improved engagement between Pacific Greens. GIG support progresses the GG Indigenous Network Resolution.
Disrupt Land Forces
GIG provided support to Disrupt Land Forces, a protest action aimed at highlighting the harm caused by the arms trade and focused on disrupting the Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition held in Melbourne last September. This support included working with the organising group, helping to connect them with Australian Greens Parliamentarians, and encouraging participation. The action was highly successful in shining a light on the impact of arms trade including armed conflicts in Palestine, West Papua and elsewhere. This success was marred by the use of anti-terrorist legislation to repress protest and a high level of police brutality that included the use of OC spray, rubber bullets, flashbangs, and baton charges.
GIG began work on two outreach initiatives that we expect will come to fruition in the coming months: an international webinar aimed at improving our engagement with other Greens Parties; and a process to improve our engagement with State member bodies.
Activism and other work
GIG supported Uygur activists in their engagement with the Australian Greens including hosting a presentation on Uyghur People in China that highlighted human rights abuses, colonisation and illegal occupation of East Turkistan; and facilitating discussions with the office of Senator Steele John. APGF reports raise discussions on shareholder activism.
GIG supported work on elections in the Solomon Islands and hosted a presentation by the Greens Party of Soloman Islands. We continued working with Philippine civil society & diaspora groups in support of campaigns on human rights and mining in the Philippines. GIG provides support to help revitalise the Bangladesh Greens. GIG continues to raise awareness on a range of issues by circulating information on our e-lists.