Greens spokesperson for Corrective Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has reiterated her call to the Government to consider releasing low-risk prisoners from WA prisons, in a bid to save lives as the COVID-19 crisis worsens.
Ms Xamon said the Minister was effectively sentencing some prisoners to death by refusing to consider some early releases – infection spread-reduction measures which are already underway in New South Wales.
"The reported disturbance at Hakea prison last night provides yet more evidence that the Minister must act - and he must act now. Prisoners are scared - and they have every right to be." said Ms Xamon.
"This situation is putting everyone's safety at risk."
Ms Xamon urged the Minister to accept the advice of experts, including the World Health Organisation, who have warned any COVID-19 outbreak among prison populations could lead to many deaths, and endanger the community on the outside.
“It is absolutely ludicrous that the Minister seems to think our current over stretched prison health systems can successfully stem the virus among prisoners, particularly after my questions in Parliament earlier this month showed there were extensive vacancies in health roles in WA prisons,” Hon Xamon said.
“The Minister is effectively sentencing prisoners to death – many of whom are low risk prisoners who are there for relatively minor crimes.
“I strongly call on the Minister to re-consider and to prioritise the health of prisoners, and the whole community.”